Carrier For CR 123\'s?
I am really getting frustrated trying to find and/or make a carrier for 123's. I need something that will hold 2, in a reasonably moisture proof continer. Have tried APS film cans, but top pops off when I carry it in my pocket; closest diameter plastic tube I have found is still oversized for these batteries - I would rather find something that is as small as possible, but still hold the 2 cells with a fair degree of protection. And a non-metalic one would be forst choice, but would consider something in metal if it fit other requirements. Any suggestions would bemost appreciated! Thanks.
I am really getting frustrated trying to find and/or make a carrier for 123's. I need something that will hold 2, in a reasonably moisture proof continer. Have tried APS film cans, but top pops off when I carry it in my pocket; closest diameter plastic tube I have found is still oversized for these batteries - I would rather find something that is as small as possible, but still hold the 2 cells with a fair degree of protection. And a non-metalic one would be forst choice, but would consider something in metal if it fit other requirements. Any suggestions would bemost appreciated! Thanks.