you could always go to the expense of buying a new bulb !
Or, Especially if you're not-too-technical, just get a new car every year !
I'm sure that when I read the on-line manual of one of the HID Super high powered lights, (I think it was a Maxa-Beam, or one of that kind), the info given was that the lamp should/could only be started 1,000 times.
Maybe it's just that it's efficiency starts to drop after that point ?
Thinking about it, is a car HID the same ? I love their beams, but do they take 30 seconds to rise to full output ?
Maybe car units and this thing work in a different way. I hope so.
PeLu, thanks, I'll check out the Welch Allyn site.
(EDIT - Interesting site @ )
If I remember correctly, HID is supposed to be ~3x more output than an Incandescent, so let's say that's a 21 Watt HID = 63 Watt Incandescent equivalent.
How much will one of those produce at 12V, I mean, is there a limiting factor ?
Is there a way of approximating Lumens to ##Watts at 12V, even if it's only a rough guide ?
Ps - Kris, have a good trip to Gall's this Saturday !