CatEye HL-EL700RC Triple Shot - review & mod.

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Jan 1, 2006
Wroclaw - Poland
CatEye HL-EL700RC Triple Shot


Well known shape, well known logo... 3 year ago the brightest bike led lamp on the market - three 3W Luxeon III leds inside. Advertised as the first led lamp comparable with 20 halogen lamp. :cool:

Some marketing sweetener...
Some time ago CatEye showed us how they were measuring their candles ;).

But I still don't know what the hell means total candle power 20 000. As you can see in the picture the light intensity measure is made in the central spot. There is no way to convert the data to any other unit as lumen or lux.

The only hope is in the technical specification and datasheet: Luxeon III @ 700mA should give 60 to 80 lumens of light - average 70 – so total from 3 leds gives 210 lumens. Now who tells where are 300 or even 400 lumens that you can get from high quality 20W halogen lamp ?? As usual they are selling us promises and numbers... :thinking:

The review

I have to admit that CatEye lamp looks solid – head weights only 186 grams. In my opinion they overdesigned the heatsink size - it can be cut down at least 86g without any problem.

After unscrewing 4 hex bolts – you can get to the lamp guts :).

A seal, plastic diffuser, 3 collimator lens and 3 Luxeon III emitters.

There are a lot of screws there - after unscrewing them and pushing the power cable, you can push out the whole module from the case.

Emitters are glued to the metal plate that transfers the heat from the central emitter that is over the hole in the body. After removing emitters from the metal plate, the lamp content looks as follow :

Power supply

Hidden into neoprene cover, tided with two electrical straps and 2 layers of heatshrinking foil, there are 10 14500 NiMH cells (so called AA) battery pack - with nominal capacity 2700mAh. It is a bit heavy – real weight is even a few grams lower than claimed by the manufacturer "only" 473g.

Tied to the battery pack there is a small plastic case :

Judging from the markings it looks like a driver :huh:

After unsrewing there is nothing special inside – PCB board, 4 wires and a seal, everything is hidden on the other side:

Under a white silicone there is an adjustable resistor - so nothing was hidden from a potential user or from competition. Based on the markings they use Supertex HV9910 chip or its equivalent from other manufacturer. It is simply buck driver that will lower voltage and set up current for the leds.

Measurement's for 3 Luxeon leds :
V-in    I-In    P-In    V-led  I-led  P-led   Eff.
13,11   578mA   7,57W   10,61V 661mA  7,01    92,55%
I must admit that I'm impressed. It is rare to find in the stock lamp such high efficient driver. After replacing the leds to SSC, the driver lower the voltage output to set up the current and keeps all work parameters unchanged.
V-in    I-In    P-In    V-led  I-led  P-led   Eff.
13,13   545mA   7,15W   9,73V  672mA  6,53    91,37%
In case of lower Vf of the SSC leds there is 1/2 W drop in the energy usage. :thumbsup:

How it lights?

When you know the current and the led type, you can approximate light output for the lamp. The light output for the Triple Shot will be less than 200 lumens - it is not much these days, only a slightly more than one Cree XR-E Q4 led powered @700mA that will give about 170 lumens. You can see that in the photo below Triple Shot vs. Q4@700mA with CRS-D optics:

After replacing emitters to U-bin SSC P4 there is a considerable improvement :).

Modded lamp should give about 450 lumens of light, that after considering light looses on the optics, gives about 400 lumens of usable light - the same amount as top notch 20W halogen lamp but taking only 7W of power. :twothumbs

Runtime on a battery pack is consistent with specification - about 3.5 hours. In case of using NiMH cells you can expect that in winter condition it may be much shorter - about 2 hours.


If you can buy it for 140-160$ and replace emitters for another 30$ there is no comparable lamp on the market for this price. Of course you can build some DIY light for the same price and you may get even more light from it, but still the Triple Shot will looks much better :D.
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Now if you can find a way to mod some way to make it a dual power or triple power without much work that would rox0r!! Say lower power of 150lm or something.

Man I gotta find this gem but I'm :broke:right now. SPent too much on my lighting projects. :(
How long did it take you to do the mod? Put yourself in a newbies shoes and also give a time for a newbie as well not used to modding. It looks simple by the images provided. I love the way Cateye engineered this thing. So well deisgned on the outside as it is on the inside. Everything is labeled and as you said overdesigned goodness. :)
Looking at the images again can you get measurements of the driver board? I just had a thought of putting a N/Bflex in there but now to get the mom-button to go in..
The driver board is about 28x24mm.

There is one main problem in modding this lamp - the driver is always on - so you must remember that some drivers cant be connected to the power source without load.
The driver board is about 28x24mm.

There is one main problem in modding this lamp - the driver is always on - so you must remember that some drivers cant be connected to the power source without load.

That applies to boost drivers, bucks can be powered without load
Good mod Szemhazai.
I think that anyone that has a Cateye Double/Triple shot should do this mod and more than double output easily enough.
What size bolt.....

I snapped a head off one of the bolts while trying to do this mod. I believe it is a M2x0.4 but just want to see if anyone has done the same. If so where did you fine replacement bolts? I picked up a couple of pan head screws from Ace hardware until I can find an a correct allen bolt. GD

**x-posted to mtbr thread also**
I recently lost the battery pack for my triple shot. Stupid i know but.
I looked into spares and got a nasty shock so i wonder if anyone could tell me how to go about building a diy replacement pack and can i uprated to li-ion whilst i'm about it?
I'm not an electronics engineer but can follow instructions. ANy help much appreciated

Well, based on the photos above, you need to build a battery pack AND get a driver. So price your pack accordingly...

Back to the subject of modding the Triple Shot, how much room is there behind the plate the LEDs mount to? Would you be able to fit a driver back there with a little machining? It looks to be a cast housing (just guessing based on the photos) so I don't know how easy it would be to modify the case, but if you could fit a bFlex in there with a remote switch, you'd be golden.
I've been very happy with mine, but its just too floody for road use. You lose a ton of light up and sideways and backways...and anyhow, drivers get pissed. On the trails is FANTASTIC though, really lights up your trail and overhead nicely. Paired with a helmet mount (even my pidly L1T V2.0) its outstanding and you are not hurting for light.

That said, if anybody can ever source some clear replacement windows for these, I'd take a pair off your hands!
Re: What size bolt.....

I snapped a head off one of the bolts while trying to do this mod. I believe it is a M2x0.4 but just want to see if anyone has done the same. If so where did you fine replacement bolts? I picked up a couple of pan head screws from Ace hardware until I can find an a correct allen bolt. GD

**x-posted to mtbr thread also**

If you check all the sections of Ace, you should find Metric Cap screws, in Regular and Stainless Steel. If those are the bolts you are talking about?

I've gone there looking for parts for my RC Cars, and recently I replaced some regular bolts for my Headset from regular (Which were rusting) to some Stainless Steel ones.
Upgrade Done

X-Posted to MTBR

I finally finished upgrading both of my Cateye lights. I don't have any beam shots but this a major improvement. It is amazing the extra light output with no change in the driver or battery. I upgraded the LEDs with Cree Q5 XR-E 14mm base from DX. The tripleshot is awesome. There is some significant ringing going on with the singleshot but I am willing to put up with that. I bought 7 and ended up with one that had a crack in the emitter dome. This is a pretty easy upgrade if you have the tools and don't run into any trouble like I did. I had quite a bit of trouble with the double shot. First I snapped the head off the metric socket head bolt that secures the face of the light. After drilling out the bolt I snapped a tap off trying to clean up the threads. I couldn't get the tap drilled out so I gave up and left it in. Since i have only one bolt holding the face on, I applied some electrical rubber paste on the inner housing basically gluing the face on. ACE is undependable with getting the smaller screws and bolts restocked so I found an online source with reasonable shipping and prices for the bolts. I bought the copper heat sink bar from ACE and cut it down with a hand grinder. I used the original aluminum heat sinks as a template. The 2.5mm tap can be found at machine shops or hobby shops. I bought one on flea-bay and the other at a local machine shop. I used Artic Alumina to secure the LEDs down. Enjoy, GD

Here are some links to parts:

Artic Alumina:

Here are some pics:



Here you can see the difference in the heatsinks. Since the XR-E are less in height a larger heatsink or different optics are needed.


Here is the thickness of the new heatsink:


XR-E on new copper heatsink


Luxeon III on OEM heatsink


Is it possible to modify the driver board to increase the output to 1000mah to each LED?

I removed the blob of glue on the pot but it seemed to be at max already. Im not sure if it adjusts mah output or voltage? (Turned very little clockwise - brighter)

Im about to undertake this mod, ive bought some new lenses and two cree XR-E Q5's (I have double shot)

At standard 700mah i think it will put out around 320 lumens.

But if i could get the board to put out 1000mah i could expect the lumens to be around 400.

Any ideas?

P.S Will the standard heatsink suffice?
Yes, change the original driver to another 1a driver.

Greetings - Saludos


Can you provide more details. I have lost the entire battery pack so I am havinng to start from scratch and so if you could pint me to where i can learn about how to build a driver or better still buy a commplete driver that will do then i can build a suitable battey opack to go with it.


Sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm a newbie and don't know much about electronics, but I know how to figure things out with the right direction.

What do I need to do this mod? Obviously order the LED's. Do I need anything else?

Thanks for any advice.
Can you provide more details. I have lost the entire battery pack so I am havinng to start from scratch and so if you could pint me to where i can learn about how to build a driver or better still buy a commplete driver that will do then i can build a suitable battey opack to go with it.



Hi, you can use for example this driver to 1a, only you have that solder this to the battery and the leds and to work.


Greetings - Saludos

Hello to you all !

I have a question to you who modified this light...
For me it is not primary thing to make light more powefull, or I can say more briter.
I just want to extend battery life. 3,3h is just nothing for me, because mainly my night riding is longer than 6 hours, is not good half way to ride with pure sun bright lite, and other half to be like in grave.
I found some D size recharchable batteries with 9000 mAh capacity. So I think I can put 10 this batteries to have about 12-13 Voltage.
But I did not understand how much capacity have those batteries in battery HL-EL700RC pack ?
I am thinking about buying 20 pcs of this batteries, and 10 pcs I will connect in serial and another 10 in paralel with those which is in serial, so I'll get 18000 mAh (or 18 Ah) of capacity... and all this I would put in rear panniers.
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