Causes of subtle flickering in Tiablo A8-Q5


Newly Enlightened
May 4, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I recently received my Tiablo and think it is fantastic, other than the fact I have either a battery, or regulation circuit problem.

I initially thought the battery was defective because the light only lasted for 40mins on high all the while demonstrating an intermittent, subtle but fairly noticeable flicker. After subsequently charges the runtime increased in increments until, as of last night it ran for 90min, which is acceptable. The flickering led (slight, but noticeable), on high was still present throughout this time and I have begun to suspect that the regulation circuit is faulty.

I put in some primaries and while the beam was more stable, some flickering was still evident. Does this mean the light is the problem? Are these lights known to flicker slightly? Is it possible that a 18650 Li-ion battery would cause the light to flicker? Any comments would be appreciated.
Check your tailcap. Try to screw down the module with the switch tighter, the module in the tailcap holds the switch assembly. It sometimes come loose during shipping.
At first glance your suggestion appears to have worked! I used a needle nose plier to tighten the switch a little more and while it wasn't loose per se it did have a little slack.

The transition from low to high mode still presented a few small flickers, perhaps for 2 seconds, but it has been bright and stable for 10 minutes so far which is great. Is a slight flicker for a second or two normal? Even if it isn't, that is a quirk I supppose I can tolerate it, provided that is the extent of the problem.

I have a hunch you may have just solved my problem! A full runtime test is need to confirm but I have a good feeling!

I never would have picked this as being the problem, so well done for good old practical thinking. As they say...If the car don't start, check the fuel tank! ;)
You might also invest in a bottle of this stuff, generally available at Radio Shack, or other electronics stores:

I've read of folks experiencing noticeable increases in output (even with new lights) and less problems with overall performance..... so, it might be worth a try. Here is a CPF thread discussing it:
Unfortunately the flutter has persisted. What looked like a good start didn't end in much. After about an hour the flutter started again on and off for 30 seconds at a time.

Im going to request an exchange as this isnt a $20 light, its a $127 light and I'm allowed to have an uncompromising attitude toward quality control.

Thanks for your input guys.
I know this is a bit old, but why launch a new thread when this one will work perfectly?

I just opened my [supposedly] b.n.i.b. A9. I say "supposedly" because the box looks a bit rough. It wasn't shrink-wrapped or sealed in any way, and the light itself was not wrapped or anything. Otoh, it looks new; no marks or dings etc..

Anyway, my Nyogel isn't here yet, so I have to live with the slight grating of the threads. But that isn't why I'm posting here...

I tested a pair of b.n.i.p. CR123A's to ensure they were equal (yup) and dropped them in. The light flickers like mad! On both levels. If I tap it gently it'll stabilize for a few seconds, then resume. If I move my hand around like I'm following an imaginary bird, the light will often go out completely, and gentle tapping produces single/brief flashes.

Re& re the tailcap. No difference.

Tighten the tailcap & head a little more firmly. No difference.

Okay...pull out a b.n.i.p. AW-18650. Drop that in. Exactly the same behaviour. Exactly.

Alright...pull out a b.n.i.p. pair of AW-RCR123A's. Drop them in. Perfect. No flickers. No flashes. Hi/low/ dimming or anything at all. Wiggle wiggle...shake shake...tap tap...steady as a rock.


Search the 'net. Find a nice fellow with a similar issue. Based upon the helpful suggestion from StefanFS, I remove the switch. (changed to gitd button while I'm in there) Replace and tighten snugly, re-assemble light with primaries. Perfect.

Change up to AW-18650. Perfect.

Left the 18650 in, and next will run it down and see what happens. Stay tuned! :D