Characteristics of E1 beam??????????????????



Can anyone describe the characteristics of the E1 beam. Is it more of a spread out beam or more concentrated. How far away can you illumunate a target with the E1? What do you typically use your E1 for? As you can see, I'm considering the purchse of an E1. Justify it for me!! Thanks.
The beam from an E1 is pretty tight, about 1 foot after shining 20 feet. It is a nice round beam of light. The E2 has a slightly larger beam, but also a perfect circle. It is just under 3 feet after shining 20 feet.

At close quarter, the tiny E1 beats or compares with many Alkaline cell flashlights such as the Pelican 4AA StealthLite.

The Beam is tight, and bright white compared to most other brands.

Compared to larger SureFires, the beam is not as white or as bright, and it's peripherial surround beam is not as bright which most of the light being focused into the main centre beam.

I'm so impressed with this light which I carry almost continuously, that I plan to buy atleast one more (the Hard Anodised version).

It's a great choice.

Do not be mistaken, the E1 is extremely bright for its size. Compared to my Mini-Mag 2AA it is probably brighter. That is really quite amazing for a light that tiny.

Plus, the beam quality of the E1 and other SureFire lights cannot be overstated. A flawless, even beam is much more helpful in illuminating objects and for other general uses. When comparing my E1 to my Mini-Mag the beam pattern is the where the E1 really shines

I use my E1 for everyday carry (until my E2 arrives) and I have really never needed a brighter light. The E1 is great because you could get away with having only the E1 in almost any situation. Even if you were camping in the woods, if you had to make-do with the E1, you could. Sure, a (2) 123A light would be much better, but you would not be too badly off with the E1.

If you do not have an E1, you should really purchase one. Of all the people who have posted regarding the E1, I do not recall anyone who has not been pleased with the light.

Clay, you can contact Tim Flanagan to pre-order an E2; I think he will be getting one of the first shipments and he has some pretty good prices on the E2.

Word is the Gun Metal E2's should ship within a week or so, but it may be longer

The first day I carried my E1, I didn't like it. By the end of the day, I didn't understand how I ever lived without it!

Anyone know when the E2's are shipping? They look like another winner!