Charging 4 AA's in a 4AA-D parallel battery holder


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 4, 2003
six blocks from ground zero - WTC/NYC
Charging 4 AA\'s in a 4AA-D parallel battery holder

Anything unsafe about do this?

I have a Aventrade 4AA-D parallel battery holder. Would there be any problems if I load them up and place them in my Vanson charger? The charger would identify this as a D-cell and charge at a different rate. If AA's were not all equally discharged, this equalize them, right?
Re: Charging 4 AA\'s in a 4AA-D parallel battery holder

Hello Sinjz,

If your voltage off the holder is around 1.2 volts, you are good to go.

If your voltage is higher, you will need a different charger.

Re: Charging 4 AA\'s in a 4AA-D parallel battery ho

Hi SilverFox.

Is that your way of saying 'as long as it's parallel, it will work' and 'don't do this with serial'?

This would make it so much easier for me to recharge batteries for my Mag85. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Can I discharge all 4 batteries in the holder too? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif
Re: Charging 4 AA\'s in a 4AA-D parallel battery ho

Hello Sinjz,

Yes, if the cells are in parallel they are acting like a battery pack. The Vanson discharges down to around 0.95 volts, so even if there is some imbalance between them, it should still work.

Once you get them charged up, leave them on the charger for a few extra hours to balance the cells.
