Charlie Sheen speaks about 9/11

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I think he's playing his role in The Arrival in real life. The comment about the manuevers the airliners made to hit the buildings was particularly funny. I tried it in MS Flight Simulator for kicks. Not hard at all to do. In fact, I did one better and did a nice looping arc from 30,000 feet right through the top of one of the towers. And in real life that would have collapsed the tower upon impact. Nevertheless, lots of fun listening to all these conspiracy theories. Sort of like the ones about how we never landed on the moon. When you deconstruct them piece by piece they fail to hold any water.

I do defend his right to speak though.
I think he's playing his role in The Arrival in real life. The comment about the manuevers the airliners made to hit the buildings was particularly funny. I tried it in MS Flight Simulator for kicks. Not hard at all to do. In fact, I did one better and did a nice looping arc from 30,000 feet right through the top of one of the towers. And in real life that would have collapsed the tower upon impact. Nevertheless, lots of fun listening to all these conspiracy theories. Sort of like the ones about how we never landed on the moon. When you deconstruct them piece by piece they fail to hold any water.

I do defend his right to speak though.

Building 7 was not hit by a plane.
I like the Sheen/Estevez (Hope I spelled it right) Family as Actors. Watched their father as a kid in everything from Columbo-5-O to Apocalypse Now. Nothing personal against any of them but Politically we are 180 degree polar opposite. I don't believe it was an EOD job I watched it Live and in Color as many did. And to say things as a public figure without any proof is irresponsible and disrespectful to the People's families. I don't want to start an arguement or hurt anyone on here, but that's what I believe but will listen to anyone's opinion even though I might not agree with it. Sometimes new facts or false ones are found on both sides and we get closer to what happened.
Building 7 was not hit by a plane.
That's actually the only part of 9/11 which still looks suspicious to me. WTC 7 was the first skyscraper in history apparently bought down solely by fire. To me that seems odd given the way modern skyscrapers are constructed.
jtr1962 there was a good History/Discovery channel story about that . They don't put it on much any more. I think i have it on DVD i look and find the name for you. It explained because of the way the building was built over the Power plant, similar to the Murrah bldg in OK 1 or 2 truss beams supported most of the bldgs weight over the ConEd plant after 8 hours of fire with no water the beams lost enough strength to collapse. Story might be on youtube too
That's actually the only part of 9/11 which still looks suspicious to me. WTC 7 was the first skyscraper in history apparently bought down solely by fire. To me that seems odd given the way modern skyscrapers are constructed.

Watch your mouth!
That's actually the only part of 9/11 which still looks suspicious to me. WTC 7 was the first skyscraper in history apparently bought down solely by fire. To me that seems odd given the way modern skyscrapers are constructed.

not really, wtc7 had con edison substation in the basement, lots of oil. very hot fire.

none of controled demolition theories hold any water
Did someone say that Charlie Sheen spoke about 9/11?? Did he really? Oh boy, I surely better go listen because he's an actor and he knows best, and I'm just a measly lemming that doen't have the ability to understand things that well for myself :mecry:
none of controled demolition theories hold any water


A macabre subnote to this is that Osama bin Laden has an engineering background, and before he took off cave-hopping made such notes about how the buildings collapsed.

Should be noted that the hijackers grabbed planes they knew would be full of fuel and had few passengers on board. They planned this absurdly well and it wasn't just a random act of idiot terrorists.
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