Cheap long range thrower that could be useful for spotting big foot!

In my experience using a thrower to look for something that you do not know where it exactly is, not such an easy task, especially when it moves, or camouflaged, you need a flood so you can spot something that looks out of place, then you use a throwed to light it up and inspect "closer"

Same reason lookouts on ships do not use binoculars, they fan the sea with naked eyes, and if they spot something odd, they use binoculars for a closer look, it is hard to spot something with a limited field of view.
I plan on having a nice set of NVGs and thermals before the end of the year.
In my experience using a thrower to look for something that you do not know where it exactly is, not such an easy task, especially when it moves, or camouflaged, you need a flood so you can spot something that looks out of place, then you use a throwed to light it up and inspect "closer"

Same reason lookouts on ships do not use binoculars, they fan the sea with naked eyes, and if they spot something odd, they use binoculars for a closer look, it is hard to spot something with a limited field of view.

This is the correct answer, no matter the flashlight question.

Buy 2.
If a person has a fairly thick spread of trees with lower branches clear enough to see through, a flood will splash light back from all the nearby branches, trunks and leaves, obscuring what is beyond. A thrower (not too tight) will see past all those branches. Try it.

Maybe it is a good time to remind that our eyes actually catch bits and pieces, with our brains smoothing out the perceived images based on our experience of perception. We see patterns and interpret, as opposed to actually always seeing what is really there.

But if you smell super stinky Bigfoot, exercise caution… Could be something unaccountable with mass mindset beliefs.
Funny how with everyone carrying an HD camera in their pocket producing great pictures consistently every photo of a big foot, sea monster or ufo is somehow all blurry, every single one. Hmmmm!!
I said it joking on another thread, but when it comes to hunting the hairy one I believe incandescent is the best way to go. Leds might agitate them. I believe older technolog--analog is the way to get better results. Digital technology is neat, but I believe it falls short on what you want to do.
Never did understand intentionally looking for Big Foot.
Okay, you found him! Now what? What are you going to do?
Stand there, shocked as he pummels you into a bloody pulp for disturbing him? I like to go hunting for butterflies. Yes, they're actually disgusting creatures. But they look pretty, and that's all we really care about.
I don't have to look for bigfoot he looks for me. I think he/she finds me interesting--..maybe because I have little feet. They say opposites attract 😁