Choosing (LED) lighting


Newly Enlightened
Jan 24, 2008
The Empty Space In My Head
Hey all,

It's me, I'm back...

When a customer is purchasing (LED) (Festoon) Auto bulbs (or Any LED Bulbs for that matter), What roles do the specs "Body Temp" and "LED Working Temp" play?
I mean, are they so important that the Customer (or Distributor etc.) would make their purchase based on that aspect (no, not solely based on this specification, but as a secondary thought perhaps)?

I know every specification has its relevance, I'm just not sure what place these two hold and/or why...
:thinking: :eek:

I am not familiar with the phrases "Body Temp" and "LED Working Temp". Color temperature would be measured in K, with a number like "3,000K" or 12,000K or something. That would tell you roughly what tint the light would be. There's a lot of variations on white. The working temp might refer to how hot the unit can get and not be damaged. I'd expect that to be measured in degrees farenheight (F) or Celcius (C)
You're right, it is measured (typically) in C...

I am now trying to discern the importance (or level thereof) of these 2 specifications...

They have to be important, or they would not even be listed, but to what degree and why :confused:

Who uses these kind of specifications - the Distributors? The End Users?

I'm just kind of putting my thoughts out... maybe someone might know the answers and can help me remove the insanity that is plaguing me :lolsign:!