Christmas LED lights (Thanks to Craig).

Take a look at the Foreverbright web site at , there is a list of all the places that sell their lights. You might get lucky and have one stocking them near you.

If anyone finds any overseas-capable online stores that sell them, I`d appreciate an e-mail, cos I`m after some this year, and don`t think Ted would appreciate running round like a mad fool for ages finding them for me

Chris M.-
Thanks. I'll check a few out on Monday.

If I understand your response you'll be seeking these from brick and mortar outlets. If I'm wrong please correct me. Also, nice of you to take care of a member on the other side of the pond.

I did find this:

Have not done business with them but their site says they ship internationally.
I may be a mad fool, but I don't dash around
-- I just pick them up at the local Sav-On -- I'll check next time I'm near Cross-Creek (soon) --unless darell beats me to it.. what colors are you after -- white maybe? They are supposed to be available this year -- anyone seen any?
Originally posted by Ted the Led:
I may be a mad fool, but I don't dash around
-- I just pick them up at the local Sav-On...what colors are you after -- white maybe?...
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Me or Chris M. ?
Icebreak - I'm talking to a distributor of the lights. I'm sure they're located in a building, but that is irrelevant to me. I just call 'em on the phone.

I'm told (by this same distributor) that the light strings will NOT be available at the discount drug stores this year (I bought mine at Rite Aid last year for cheap). Be interesting to see if that's true. As soon as October 31 passes by, the shelves will be dripping with tinsel.

I'll give 'em a call on Monday to see what's up. Don't need Ted dashing around needlessly. Might break a nail.
Originally posted by Chris M.:
Take a look at the Foreverbright web site at , there is a list of all the places that sell their lights. You might get lucky and have one stocking them near you.

If anyone finds any overseas-capable online stores that sell them, I`d appreciate an e-mail, cos I`m after some this year, and don`t think Ted would appreciate running round like a mad fool for ages finding them for me

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Found at QVC.COM


Product Detail H62916

| Item Number H62916 | |
| Indoor/Outdoor Forever Bright LED 70 Count | |
| Light Set | |
| | |
| Retail Value $27.75 | |
| QVC Price $19.25 | |
| Shipping and Handling $4.47 | |
| | |
| Light up the day or night with the Forever | |
| Bright set. Light-emitting diode lights, | |
| also known as LED lights, tend to be | |
| safer, more durable, and more efficient | |
| than incandescent lights. LED helps to | |
| save energy, using approximately 3W of | |
| electricity verses the average 43W. Each | |
| strand sparkles with 70 lights along | |
| green-colored wire. Indoor or outdoor use. | |
| UL listed. 5-year LMW. Clear, Blue, or | |
| Multicolored. Made in China. | |
| | (_)Blue |
| | (_)Clear |
| | (_)Multi |
| | (_)Quantity: 1 |
| | (_) 2 |
| | (_) 3 |
| | (_) 4 |
| | (_) 5 |
| | (_)Gift Options |
| | (_)None |
| | (_)Packing Slip Message: $0.00 |
| Add to Wish List | E-Mail to a Friend | if (window.print) { |
| | | document.write('') document.write(' |
| | | ') document.write('Print this |
| | | Page') } else { document.write(' |
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| QVC Privacy Statement • QVC General Terms and Conditions of Use • Product |
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| c 1995 - 2002 QVC, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks, service marks |
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| ER Marks, Inc. or Diamonique Corporation. All other product or brand names |
| are trademarks of their respective owners. |
| URL: |
Originally posted by WakaWakaBBS:
Found at QVC.COM

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I work at Osco Drugs here in Kansas and we are carrying the above LED lights at my store. I was hoping to see if we would be carrying the regular Forever Bright's also, but so far I have not seen them.
I did however pick up a set or two last year after xmas when we put them on clearance.

I have been meaning to take a look at these lights. I assume they are simply white LED's inside the colored plastic. If I get a chance tomorrow (if I remember
) I will take a gandar at them.
I noticed some interesting lights at Target today. The package doesn't use the term LED, but it calls them European Style Christmas lights, and claims the bulbs will last 10,000 hours. I couldn't find any information on the box showing how much current it uses. They're relatively inexpensive so I may still buy them just to find out if they are LEDs.

Incidentally, Target is carrying the 2C cell string of LED lights this year.
Chris -

I'm traking them down right now through the distributor. If I figure out what's up, I'll drop you a note to see what you want. I'll order what you need and send them along to you. *I* can ship overseas!

Send me an email so I can grab your address and file it away...
Originally posted by darell:
Hey neat. Somebody tell us what they really are. And how bright. What price does your store sell them for, KA?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I remembered to look over the LED xmas lights before leaving work and here's what I came up with. We carry 3 different sets, all the same type of fascated (sp?) crystal in the picture WakaWakaBBS posted. The LED's are NOT just white inside the colored plastic, they are in fact the same color (red/green/blue/yellow).

I did not pay attention to how many lights were in the strands. I didnt think about writing that down. I would assume either 50 or 70 as in the QVC listing WakaWakaBBS showed.

The 3 different types are:
Antique Candle Light - clear plastic with yellow LED
UPC 6 79286 22004 6
75 string light set

Ruby Red/Emerald Green - red/green plastic with red/green LEDs
UPC 6 79286 22003 9
75 string light set

Multi Color Set - red/blue/green/yellow plastic with red/blue/green/yellow LEDs
UPC 6 79286 22000 8
70 string light set

We retail these lights at $9.99 at our store. I cant believe QVC was listing them as $19.25 with a regular retail of $27.75. Thats basically a $20 profit when comparing it to our cost for the lights!
Originally posted by Deth:
I wish I knew if someone in my neck of the woods (Los Angeles, CA) was carrying the items KA listed.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Try this List

I do not know if those stores actually carry these lights, but you never know. And prices will vary across the stores so if the stores DO have them, but are higher priced then what I mentioned, please dont pressure them about it.

Small addition to my previous post about the lights. I had edited it and thought it would put it on the bottom but it didnt.

Antique lights - 75 string light set
Red/Green lights - 75 string light set
Multicolor Lights - 70 string light set

So they are apparently the same as what QVC is/was selling.
I wish I knew if someone in my neck of the woods (Los Angeles, CA) was carrying the items KA listed.