Clear Contact Paper on Lense - Same as WriteRight?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Houston, TX
I really like the "WriteRight" idea about smoothing out the beam of a Mag-lite (or any other light that needs it). However, I was a little cautious about spending 20-30 $ bucks on a plastic film.

Then I remembered that I had a whole roll of clear contact paper lying around. I installed it on the outside of my lense of my mini-mag, and it really smoothed out the beam.

I do not have any WriteRight to compare this to, but I was very satisfied with the results. I believe that clear contact paper is way cheaper than 20-30 a roll.

Anyone that has the WriteRight mod want to do a comparison to clear contact paper?

Again, I was very happy with the results!
I'm a Brit, sorry but: what is "clear contact paper" ?

The WriteRight material has a micro-grid pattern, which is the thing that diffuses the beam. Plus it's heat resistant, and uses a secure but low tack glue, so it can be removed easily.
If this "clear contact paper" stuff works, then it's another cheap *upgrade*.

It is a clear plastic that has a "haze" to reduce glare. Kind of like "invisible" scotch tape.

Here is a link:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *something ridiculous ?:
I'm a Brit, sorry but: what is "clear contact paper" ?
Thanks Budd,
the stuff uses a low tack glue too. There isn't much info on the site about what it is like for flashlight applications ......

Someone gotta check these two out against each other, sorry Budd, I'm right out of the WriteRight at the moment.

I've used the "frosty" clear version on my bathroom windows. Works well, but isn't clear enough for flashlight use. I don't know about the "clear" type.
Anyone who has applied WrightRight to their flashlight, drop me an e-mail (see my profile) and give me your address (mailing, not e-mail!), and I will send you a sample.

Then you can post a comparison here at CPF.

The stuff comes in rolls, so I can just cut you a 4x4 inch sample or whatever, and you can compare and post the results..

Or you can buy the stuff at Wal-mart or K-mart, or Target, or Home Depot, or TruServ.

If I remember correctly, the stuff is not very expensive. I am going to Wal-mart tonight, I will check on the price.

(Oh, I will send out several samples, but I will cut off sending samples after 5-7 get sent out. - Not to be rude, but I can't be mailing everyone samples forever!)
Just incase anyone was interested....

The WriteRight material has a micro-grid pattern

Kinda like this....


Here fitted on a Mag Solitaire. Makes the beam nice and smooooth, even if it is a bit dim.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Empath:
What method are you using to cut a perfect circle for the lens?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I take the bezel off, take off the ring on the outside of the plastic lens, lay it on the Writeright, trace around the inside with a ballpoint pen, and cut it out with a pair of scissors. Not "perfect", but it works, and fits on the outsite without compromising the seal.
If you happen to be trying to put it on a light that the lens doesn't come out, you can usually find a coin that is close enough to sue for a pattern. Or one of those plastic templates with all the different size holes cut in it used in drafting. TX
The price for a roll of clear Contact Paper at my Wal-Mart 5.89 per roll (I think 12 yards by 18 inches).

I should have been a little clearer in my discription of what the contact paper did.

I put a Krypton Radio Shack bulb into my mini-mag, and while it was much brighter than the standard bulb (that, upon examining the bulb, there was an opaque covering on the bulb), had a wicked shadow in the hot spot.

The contact paper smoothed out most of the beam, although you could still see a little of the shadow, but was a lot smoother than without the contact paper.
you can use scotch 811, which has a similar tack as that used on post-it notes. The only thing is that the adhesive isn't as removable after leaving it on for a long time. This is what many people use to protect the graffiti area on their palms.
So, has anyone else tried this yet?

Does anyone want a sample? If you have WriteRight and want a sample of this, drop me an e-mail, and I will send you a piece.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Empath:
What method are you using to cut a perfect circle for the lens?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I used a circle-cutter, the kind that's like a beam compass. That involves measuring up, and then holding the stuff, and using a coin to prevent the spike of the circle-cutter from piercing the WriteRight. Not as easy as it sounds, so I think I'll try this -

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by txwest:
... Or one of those plastic templates with all the different size holes cut in it used in drafting. TX<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Doug P, will you please take up "The BuddTX clear contact" challenge ?
Your fabled reviewing skills and measurements are called for. All over the world, people are anxiously a-waiting the results of a comparison.

Or do I got to call you "Slowbeam" ??

For cutting circles, I ended up using one of the Exacto knifes with a swivel head, along with a tempplate. I checked the hobby shops for circle cutters, and found prices that seemed quite steep for something I would seldom use. I did find a punch that punched out circles that are just about the right size for AAA MiniMags.

I've tried the contact paper, but not the WriteRight (or is it WriteRite?). While it smooths out the beam, which is desirable on some lights, it all reminds me of the same concept of the old frosted bulbs. You get dispersion, but it cost you a bit of your light.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Doug P, will you please take up "The BuddTX clear contact" challenge ?
Your fabled reviewing skills and measurements are called for. All over the world, people are anxiously a-waiting the results of a comparison.

Or do I got to call you "Slowbeam" ??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If I wanted to get abuse like this, I would spend the evening with my wife!

You wouldn't believe the crap I've been going through lately between moving and my job having me on call 24x7 now... but I won't bother you with all the details of my life... suffice to say I'm lucky to read a few threads a week on the forums...

Yea, I'll make time for it. I'll send my address out to Budd tonight.
Originally posted by Empath:
For cutting circles, I ended up using one of the Exacto knifes with a swivel head, along with a tempplate.
The circle you're cutting doesn't need to be that exact. 95% of the light you're wanting to difuse is going through the center 10-15% of your lens. As long as it's semi round & close to as large as the exposed lens, it will work fine. On the maglites, just unscrew the lens holder, remove the lens, draw a circle useing the inner diameter of the lens holder, & cut it out with sissors. Don't try to make it to complicated or precise. TX
I have just bought clear contact paper, and it really makes the beam smooth!

I payed 3$ for a sheet ..1m X 40cm. That is enough for at least 10-15 flashlights
I've used it on flashlights with 3-5W bulb, no problems with heat. I'll try using it on Magcharger as well.

I'm really impressed, the beam is perfect, and considering this paper is thinner than WriteRight I suspect a lower loss of light.