Clip for Jil CR2 ?


Nov 14, 2004
Does anybody know of a pocket clip that would work with a Jil CR2 flashlight?
If there is not a clip already made that will fit can someone custom make me one?
I would prefer to have one that would fit around the body of the flashlight but could also have the body drilled and tapped if necessary. I would like to clip it to my hat for hands free use. Thanks
The clip thats available for the AA Mag could probably be persuaded to fit.Duct tape works as well. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif
I don't know where to buy a clip for the AA Mag,

But I would trade you my AA Mag (with clip) for that "worthless, can't find a clip for" Jil light you have there! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif

Actually, I'll trade you a few AA Mags for it!/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif

Really though, I just tried a clip off one of my Gerber Infinities and it fit pretty well over the head on my Jil 1.3, I don't have a REV. but I would think they would be the same Diameter./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif

Good luck, Dave
I am trying to find a clip for the 2 JIL flashlights that I have on order. I wish I did not sell the one that I had. Thanks letting me know about the clip from the Gerber infinity that will work. I hope that the new JIL flashlights that I have on order will work with this clip also.
you can get a clip for mini mag in a kit from mag. BTW it also includes an anti roll bezel which will go on the end of your Brinkmann maxfire or with a little k-y the tail of a 6p which will allow it to stand on its tail...if such is of any consequence to you.

I meant to say grumpy---just funning you.
