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Sold/Expired (CLOSED) A2 $urefire Strion Socket

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2003


[size=+1]Please read completly before place your order.[/size]
[size=+1]Also see the review here. Many thanks to DM51[/size]

I have made these sockets completly from scratch to fit in popular A2 flashlights.
All you need to do is: Install Strion bi pin bulb on this socket and replace with original lamp assembly.
No further modification necessary.
Output will be brighter than original A2 LA
Get over 45 minutes of briliant white beam with set of 123s
Since forwarded voltage to bulb is regulated to about 4 volts and overdriving Strion bulb, output is much whiter and brighter than any other set up using single lithiom ion, also due to soft start, bulb life will be reasonable. You can also use Stinger low cost bulbs for longer bulb life.
Centering the bulb helps for nicer beam shape and hot spot.
Please do not use rechargeable R123A in this set up since will overdrive LEDs.
Each kit contains one socket and one new Strion bulb.
No extra bulb available.
Please expect to receive within 2 weeks in States and 4 weeks internationaly.
$32 socket only
$38 socket and Strion kit
$3.00 in States (up to 5 kits)
$4.00 international air mail (up to 3 kits)
It is [size=+3]necessary[/size] to pick next available socket or kit number, post your requtst here and paypal note. Your CPF handle in Paypal note is [size=+1]very very very[/size] important.
[size=+1]Example: :paypal: sent for kit#99[/size]
Any paypal received without above information will not ship.
Paypal: DO NOT PAY
Please, PM me for other type of payment.
Any comment welcome.
Socket and Strion bulb kit:
#1 kit ksbman paid shipped
#2 kit gswitter paid shipped
#3 kit bxstylez paid shipped
#4 kit elnino paid shipped
#5 kit Grampa paid shipped
#6 kit bfg9000 paid shipped
#7 kit bfg9000 paid shipped
#8 kit DM51 paid shipped
#9 kit DM51 paid shipped
#10 kit DM51 paid shipped
#11 kit Groundhog66 paid shipped
#12 kit BruceD paid shipped
#14 kit M.S paid shipped
#15 kit cue003 paid shipped
#16 kit cnjl3 paid shipped
#17 kit KROMATICS paid shipped
#18 kit DVM759 (MO received) shipped
#19 kit marcdilnutt paid shipped
#20 kit Katdaddy paid shipped
#21 kit geepaw paid shipped
#22 kit knifebright paid shipped
#23 kit schiesz paid shipped
#24 kit quokked paid shipped
#25 kit allthumbs paid shipped
#26 kit strideredc paid shipped
#27 kit kongfuchicken paid shipped
#28 kit DM51 paid shipped
#29 kit DM51 paid shipped
#30 kit DM51 paid shipped
#31 kit Lips paid shipped
#32 kit NotRegulated paid shipped
#33 kit iNDiGLo paid shipped
#34 kit dano paid shipped
#35 kit dano paid shipped
#36 kit Well-Lit paid shipped
#37 kit Tronic paid shipped
#38 kit Carpenter paid shipped
#39 kit Carpenter paid shipped
#40 kit greenstuffs paid shipped
#41 kit Valolammas paid shipped
#42 kit yaesumofo paid shipped
#43 kit Patriot36 paid shipped
#44 kit mangogate paid shipped
#45 kit PhantomPhoton paid shipped
#46 kit Haz paid shipped
#47 kit Haz paid shipped
#48 kit JakeGMCHD paid shipped
#49 kit Gimpy00Wang paid shipped
#50 kit Gimpy00Wang paid shipped
#51 KIT DaFABRICATA paid paid
#52 KIT Icebreak paid shipped
#53 kit kongfuchicken paid shipped
#54 kit XPLRN paid shipped
#55 kit cbubu paid shipped
#56 kit iNDiGLo paid shipped
#57 kit this_is_nascar paid shipped
#58 kit this_is_nascar paid shipped
#59 kit ideefixe paid shipped
#60 kit winston paid shipped
#61 kit Sgt. LED MO received shipped
#62 kit da.gee paid shipped
#63 kit DM51 paid shipped
#64 kit DM51 paid shipped
#65 kit DM51 paid shipped
#66 kit SIERRA paid shipped
#67 kit Illumination paid shipped
#68 kit Praxis paid shipped
#69 kit christrose paid shipped
#70 kit tedjanxt paid shipped
#71 kit c0t0d0s0 paid shipped
#72 kit London Lad paid shipped
#73 kit mikego paid shipped
#74 kit brightspot paid shipped
#75 kit brightspot paid shipped
Socket only
#1 socket MARNAV1 paid shipped
#2 socket white light paid shipped
#3 socket DM51 paid shipped
#4 socket DM51 paid shipped
#5 socket DM51 paid shipped
#6 socket this_is_nascar paid shipped
#7 socket this_is_nascar paid shipped
#8 socket this_is_nascar paid shipped
#9 socket leukos paid shipped
#10 socket Shreklight paid shipped
#11 socket Well-Lit paid shipped
#12 socket theamazingrando (pending cleared)
#14 socket mahoney MO received shipped
#15 socket iNDiGLo paid shipped
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Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket


I'll take Socket and Strion bulb kit #2.

PayPal sent for:
- A2 Socket & Strion bulb kit: $38
- 3AA to 1D adapter: $36
- 6AA to 2D adapter: $37
- SMO 3" reflector w/removable cam for FM3V-2: $50
- 3" Boro lens for FM3V-2: $10
- Shipping: $10

Total: $181
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Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

I'll take #1 socket only. Thanks for offering these again! :paypal: today!
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Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

Are there any comparisons between the stock bulb and strion bulb anywhere? Also, are there any approximate bulb life numbers between the stock bulb and the strion in this socket? Are we talking 10 hours of life for the strion overdriven like this? More?

I found the answer for one of my questions, comparison of Strion and A2 beam: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showpost.php?p=2136474&postcount=55


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Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket


Socket and Strion bulb kit #3...$38

:paypal: :thanks:
Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

PayPal sent for #4 socket and Strion kit. Thanks.
Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

Socket and Strion bulb kit #5...$38


Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

:paypal: $79 for # 6 and #7 Socket and Bulb kits and shipping. Thanks again Varooj!
Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

I'll take 3x Strion kits (#8, #9 and #10).
Paypal $118 on its way very shortly.

Edit: Paypal sent
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Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

I'll take kit #12.

Paypal sent.

Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

I'll take kit #14 (is #13 missing on purpose?)

Paypal sent...
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Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

Paypal sent for kit # 16.
Almost didnt order one since I wanted a second one as a "spare" or in case I get another A2.
Anyway I compared this new socket with your first offering and this one looks "beefier" so thats what
pushed me over the edge to get another one:)
Thanks for listening to your faithful fans!
Happy Holidays!
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Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

Centering the bulb helps for nicer beam shape and hot spot.
Exactly how is this achieved? Is it a matter of turning the replacement socket like you would a stock A2 LA, or does one have to play with the height of the filament as well?
Re: A2 $urefire Strion Socket

Exactly how is this achieved? Is it a matter of turning the replacement socket like you would a stock A2 LA, or does one have to play with the height of the filament as well?
Bi-pin bulbs sometimes need a little gentle adjusting to get centered - sometimes you need to bend the pins a bit one way or the other, or adjust the depth they are seated to get the best focus.
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