Mr Ted Bear
Flashlight Enthusiast
Q: Do you know of CPF
A: Yes, we monitor it... as well as the LED Museum etc
Q: So you know aboput the 2 REACTORS that have failed ?
A: Yes, not the electronics (there are none.. direct wired), and not the LS that failed. The problem is a cold solder joint on the PCB. Originnaly, we were holding the contact in place, and soldering. Because it's a spring contact, it pulls itself away from the board if not soldered just right. We have change the config so it's no longer an issue
Q: What about color? Pictures show very green corona's
A: Unfortunaely, that's what we get from Luxeon. We sort the LS on OUTPUT, versus COLOR. We felt that light output was more important than color.
Q: Plastic head is kinda of "cheap"
A: Price was not the issue, WEIGHT was the primary conccern
Q: When, and what is the ULTRA?
A: "Brightness of an ARC, with shorter run time... regulated like the Infinity, around 20 hours, AA, same compartment as the infiity
due around Aug 1
A: Yes, we monitor it... as well as the LED Museum etc
Q: So you know aboput the 2 REACTORS that have failed ?
A: Yes, not the electronics (there are none.. direct wired), and not the LS that failed. The problem is a cold solder joint on the PCB. Originnaly, we were holding the contact in place, and soldering. Because it's a spring contact, it pulls itself away from the board if not soldered just right. We have change the config so it's no longer an issue
Q: What about color? Pictures show very green corona's
A: Unfortunaely, that's what we get from Luxeon. We sort the LS on OUTPUT, versus COLOR. We felt that light output was more important than color.
Q: Plastic head is kinda of "cheap"
A: Price was not the issue, WEIGHT was the primary conccern
Q: When, and what is the ULTRA?
A: "Brightness of an ARC, with shorter run time... regulated like the Infinity, around 20 hours, AA, same compartment as the infiity
due around Aug 1