
Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2001
Atlanta, GA>> The Flashlight that was broken shall
first of all i ask that this not be moved to the cafe without my consent as it is only fair to be alowed to defend my honor on the same feild it was challenged. thank you.
coldlight, i have always, for some reason, respected you. your quick appologees for an action that was not yours to a person you may not have agreed with make me respect you even more. your brother on the other hand amuses me greatly. as i am an only child i know nothing of sibling rivalry. without trying he complemented me greatly by refering to my pt ls mod . i thought everybody had forgoten that mod. and the research- man i'd never do all that to tell someone off. geuss i'm lazy,huh
. tell him that we all know about the cheapies but we search for the really good ones. i can tell from his post that he reads the forums although maybe he picks it up involentarily from his flashoholic brother
. how old is he? is there much age difference between you two? you should get him to join so he can post legally. please answer
hello Aragorn (Yes REAL ME LOL). Hey, I am 17 and my brother is 11. He likes to play with my lights sometimes, but he really isn't obsessed with them as with me enough to join a forum about them, nor does he know anything about photonic synthesis, electronic orbital drop gap size = wavelength = energy. He really doesn't know anything about LED's (yes, they now know the very small details on how LED's produce light) other than you can blind small mammals with them, he's 11 though. He is just a first-class jerk sometimes and likes to mess up stuff on my computer, i think he looked in my favorites and clicked on this site and I hadn't logged off. (my fav link links right to LED, electro and laser) anyway. Now I guess I must click Log-off everytime.
Ummm, I kind of snapped him in the head with a
front-snap kick already for doing it. Just kidding, I just yelled at him then threatened to lock him off the comp with a password.
Wait, I want to read the thread which spawned this one, but can't find it!
my brother is 9 years older, and he just used to leave me hog-tied on my bed from time to time...
My brother is four years older and I just used the running to Ma trick, or my still older sister would beat him up for me while she still was at home.
this was a post on Usenet...

Subject: never annoy a geek :)

Little cousin tried a few times. Ended up with me tying him up in very long
ribbon cable (parallel port extension lead) and carrying him down the
stairs. I then dumped him on the floor and locked the door so he couldn't
annoy me again.

He struggled quite well while trying to worm up the stairs, until I shot him
with two laser pointers. Then we went back down, very quicky.

Still not done, he tries to kick me when I come back down. I noticed that if
I hold his sholders and kick his legs the lever effect will amplify my force
considerably. I do it, he lands on the other side of the room.