Comments from non-flashoholics that really annoy you.

I occasionally get, "You always have a pocket knife and flashlight, why it's light out? Well, I carry a pocket knife because I'm a man and i might need to cut or fix something. And, it gets dark here most nights and I might need to illuminate something to better align my shots. "You carry a gun?" Me: No, of course not silly! What I don't say is;"As with lights I carry a couple of guns!"
My children don't even question me anymore or comment.The comment that I get most at work is why do you have more then one light. I really don't even answer that one anymore. And to be honest if people at work need a light guess who they go to?😁 and it's not a comment but if there's one thing that non Flashlight people do that drives me NUTS is leaving a flashlight on when there not using it! OMG.
"I don't understand, you are such a big dude why is your flashlight so tiny" : (

I love my E01 and nobody will ever take it away.