Comments on the LH's UIs


Jun 22, 2004
Comments on the LH\'s UIs

Comments on the LH's UIs (applicable to LionCub?)

The LionHeart's user interfaces are a masterpiece of simplicity and functionality, but in practical terms they are mutually exclusive: once the preferred one is chosen there isn't much use for the other. Functionally, the LH becomes a single interface light.

I find that one versatile UI plus one simple UI would be a more useful combination than if both UIs are versatile.

Inasmuch as UI-1 seems to be more popular than UI-0, I propose deleting UI-0 (regrettably forfeiting its powerfull but not very useful wow factor) and replacing it with a more useful UI-SIMPLE.

When someone (especially if technically challenged) asks to borrow my flashlight and I'm not carrying a spare light to lend, I wish I could just hand the LH over without explanation, quickly configuring it to be functionally simple while conserving battery charge: PRESS for momentary ON at level 3 (or other forced level); CLICK for latched ON; PRESS or CLICK for OFF. That's it—not even a full-brightness override (to discourage needless battery drain).

"May I borrow your light please" Quick change of UI. "Sure, here you go"

Re: Comments on the LH\'s UIs

What firmware version doe's your Lionheart have?

I have version 2 and my reply will pertain to this.

As for a single interface light, I disagree.
3 clicks...2 clicks...then 0 or 1 click and I am using either UI-1 or UI-0, all within 10 to 15 seconds!

I do agree that UI-1 seems to be my choice most of the time, however if I want momentary capability, I just click a few times and change to UI-0, and lately I find myself doing this more often.

It would be ideal for the owner/operator to create his/her own personal UI, but that is logistically impossible at this time.

As for handing my Lionheart to someone else to use.....

Ain't gonna happen... not today.. not tomorrow...not ever!

This is just my opinion.
Re: Comments on the LH\'s UIs

Beamhead said it almost perfectly. I generally stay in UI0, but I do switch on a daily basis.

If someone else needs a light and my LH is the only one, they'll just have to do without, unless someone's life is on the line.