Comparableto Inova X5


Newly Enlightened
May 10, 2006
My X5 keeps being confiscated for nighttime reading. I am looking for a similar light with the cluster of LED's in around the $10-$15 range. Any suggestions? This would not be that much of a problem but the X5 is one of my favorite lights as well as one of my EDC's. I know I have seen similar lights but I can't seem to find them at any retailers. I have not looked at Target or Wal-Mart (<~spit! spit!:thumbsdow :thumbsdow ) yet so I don't know what they have on the shelves.

Any opinions are appreciated!!


BTW, In case you did not figure, I HATE Wal-Mart!!
What about Streamlight ProPolymer LED version. Amazon has it for 19.99 (free shipping if order is over 25). If not you will have to get Xnovas from HK sites.

I have
Streamlight ProPolymer LED and I love it for what it is. Long run time. 4AA batteries. Bullet proof!

Have fun.
Lighthound and Quality China Goods both have multuple LEd lights, I think they are aluminum and made in China. I picked a couple up for my nephews when they were young and wanted a play light. They should work well enough for your reader. They are not X5s in any stretch of the imagination, but then again, you dont care as long as you keep your X5.

Now that I think of it, I saw these in the new Sportsmans Guide catalog, they might be a good pick, hard to beat the price for 4 of them.
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I like the River Rock 2AAA at Target for $9.99, great for reading and late night pantry assults.
You can't separate me from my X5!

Who is the culprit doing the confiscating? Maybe Dr. Phil needs to intervene. Or maybe you need to put your X5 in a holster or hide it somewhere under lock and key. Maybe you can convince the culprit to use a headlamp since the X5 seems to be overkill for reading anyway
