Configure: Pocketable Surefire platform based 'Turbo' / thrower


Dec 3, 2003
BisDak [Area X] ^^.PH
Background :

When I started being a 'flashaholic' way back in the earlier 2000's, 'Turbo' was often associated with a large hardware reflector-collimator. It was more of lux, rather than lumens. But currently, 'Turbo', most often refers to the highest power that a flashlight can put out in a limited time. Throw and flood has became a general term, when it was focused (narrow/wider) beam and sidespills. Triples/Quads was not on the mainstream.

While my first 'high power' light was the SF 09N, my first turbo was an SRTH attached to a Z3.

However, I always preferred LED and 'pocketable 3/4-inch' light -- so E-series became my acquired-taste platform, especially it's lego/swappable feature.

One problem with the hardware (big reflector) turbos I had were it's physical size, thus the portability factor. I even gave-up on my Aleph-3 head, as I find the beam too narrow and with limited spill.

I have no immediate need and most of my lights are for indoor and limited outdoor use; I wouldn't mind going thru some mental exercises or neural juggling from our more knowledgeable members.


What can you recommend for a :
* Platform : (mix-and-match) a pocketable LED SF-based thrower/throwy light based on either the 3/4-inch or 1"-SF body platform.
* It's either back-/front-pocket or (custom) holster carry.
* Power source : single Li Ion cell power -- either 16650 or 18650... or 21700
* Budget : should be a consideration.
* 'throw distance' or reach is a relative term. Can you discern a basketball at 200-300 yards if you have no prior knowledge that it is there?

Someone would post -- just get the SF Fury DFT and be done with it. or even the EDCL-2T! But where the fun in doing this thread? :devil:

Have TIR and multiple de-domed emitters redefined the factors in collimating photons?

Fire on!
I like E2 body, 16650 cell in it. E2C adapter by LumenFactory and C2 head or whatever you can find.
P60 drop in is custom, 6$ alu (the best one i saw till today) even beats MTN copper.
Mcpcb and emitter is whatever you prefer.


Aleph3 head with now discontinued ASF copper heatsink, L4P B4 driver and 32mm L4P mcpcb with Luxeon MZ's and Cute3-SS optic...
G, I did gave up on my Aleph3 because I found the beam too narrow for me... :( I would have had like a larger hotspot and more side spills.

The basic P60 system is really quite flexible and tempting. I already have a couple of these circa 2013's : Vihn XM-L2 5K [email protected] and CustomLites XP-G2 R5 3D.

Which beefier Z41-replacement has better thermal dispersion capacity?

How hot are these multi-emitters be?
How about a P60 drop-in with these specs..
Quad White2 5400K 3500L, 40Kcd, 400m
I love my E2E with a E to C adapter. Very small can run a 16650 and usually use a M61 of some sorts in it. But throw a M91 in there with the 16650 and you got something. Hell, use 2X16340's and you will get full power for 17 minutes. But most useful I have found with this setup is a Malkoff M361. 3 levels in a very small package.
How hot are these multi-emitters be?

Vinh's light is built like a tank and runs at full battery current without heat issues. He has a series of about a dozen test videos of it on YouTube, each addressing different aspects including heat.

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I love my E2E with a E to C adapter. Very small can run a 16650 and usually use a M61 of some sorts in it. But throw a M91 in there with the 16650 and you got something. Hell, use 2X16340's and you will get full power for 17 minutes. But most useful I have found with this setup is a Malkoff M361. 3 levels in a very small package.

If I were to go with a drop-in, what would be the max current drive for certain LEDs (ex- Samsung LD351, SST-40, XHP.35) using a single protected KeepPower 16650?

On another thread, I've read that the LED can even be pushed to 5000mA, though detrimental to the lifespan of the emitter.

Vinh's light is built like a tank and runs at full battery current without heat issues. He has a series of about a dozen test videos of it on YouTube, each addressing different aspects including heat.

In a P60 drop-in, does a TIR-based triplex beats a single reflector at the same battery runtime baseline. I would assume that the triplex needs to be lowered-down vs a single emitter to get the same runtime.

Is KP-16650 capable of running triplex/quadplex and at what possible max current? I'm concern on when the protection circuit kicks in.

--- ETA ---
Is the Z61 (E-Series) tailcap capable of handling this his draw? or a McClicky upgrade is needed.
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