Converting a Tec20 to use a 3v surefire lamp?

Tater Rocket

Jun 25, 2001
Close to St. Louis, MO, school at Rolla
Anybody tried this yet? This yeilds a perfect surefire beam that uses 2 AA's in a package that is shorter overall length than my dads 3C I believe it is (if not, some other discontinued 1 cell). It is very nice. Unfortunatly, I dont have a camera or I could not post pics of my problem/work of beauty. Using thin (1/16th inch I think) plywoods and some aluminum sheet metal, I fashioned a thing that would take the awkward left right combination of + and -, and made it so + was in the middle. Thing is, this makes the thing about 3/8 of an inch thick, which then makes the overall length too long for the head to engage the o ring when screwed down. The head BARELY engages the threads at all before the lamp lights up. What I need is an idea or two to either make the lamp assembly (R30) shorter, or make my adapter thinner, or both. I would simply cut the springs shorter on the lamp assembly, but the lamp and SF light are dad's. I do not know where I can buy the lamp locally either, and wont order one in case it does not work. If anybody here is from St. Louis, or better yet, St. Charles region, please let me know where I can get surefire lamps from. Of course, having a place where I can buy the lamps does not change the fact I cannot really afford one. I want to buy a G2, E2, or an E1, not sure which, but it does not matter because being 17 keeps one from having much money and being able to place orders on the internet anyway.

So, if anybody knows where I can locally get, in the St. Charles area, a surefire lamp, please let me know.

Also, if anybody here has a one or two cell Surefire they do not use any more, and would be willing to part with it..... I'd be willing to buy one, despite scratches or other stuff. Contact me or leave a message here.


(Yes, the above DID contain a shameless plug for me to try to get a surefire. Ignore it if you want, and help me with my problem regarding my conversion if you can.)
SUCCESS!!! I took a layer of wood off, and was surprised that it was now short enough. I was also surprised it worked. Now all I have to do is make one and actually glue stuff together and solder instead of using steel wire as glue AND solder. Anybody have tips on soldering to aluminum? Can it be done? If not, what should I do instead? No silver epoxy ideas, cant get that and I don't have enough money for it anyway.

But, onto the light. Just as bright as normal and not much bigger than the single cell models except for the head, which is wider. Unfortunatly, I cannot take pics as I have no digital camera. Now the main things I need to do are make it look good, find a spacer for the reflector that does NOT involve rolled up paper, and most importantly: find a source for the stinkin' lamp.

Oh the joy, I am now happy!

Crap, was happy until I went to the Surefire website. Looked on the product list and realized "Crap, they only make once single cell light" which means they don't make this lamp assembly any more! So, I am unlikely to find a source of the lamp anywhere around here and probably only on the internet

All that work for nothing.

Oh well,

HI Tater

I believe that you are using a Surefire 3P with the R30 lamp module. Even if the bulb is not listed on the Surefire website, I have beeb told that it will be available for years to come
