Convoy flashlight opinions?

That makes a lot of sense Schokokeks. I sus'd something as such being no taxes and shipping costs on 'my' end means they're trying to duck under regulatory entities.
Someone would have to complain to the GOV in order for them to sus it out. Even then, there's a lot of under the table dealings that the US and China make out of the eyes of the citizenry.

Back several years ago, I bought some musical equipment from a 'no-name' retailer. I street-mapped the address and it was literally an old, gutted and abandoned railroad depot that obviously hadn't been used in decades at least...maybe even a century. I forget what I bought, nothing of real value but I certainly wasn't going to get any answers if anything went south. LOL
That makes a lot of sense Schokokeks. I sus'd something as such being no taxes and shipping costs on 'my' end means they're trying to duck under regulatory entities.
Someone would have to complain to the GOV in order for them to sus it out. Even then, there's a lot of under the table dealings that the US and China make out of the eyes of the citizenry.

Back several years ago, I bought some musical equipment from a 'no-name' retailer. I street-mapped the address and it was literally an old, gutted and abandoned railroad depot that obviously hadn't been used in decades at least...maybe even a century. I forget what I bought, nothing of real value but I certainly wasn't going to get any answers if anything went south. LOL
Interestingly, the U.S. has apparently been trying to close that loophole. I think I remember reading the last two administrations were trying to get that fixed, but we're moving at the speed of Government, haha. Maybe starting into a 3rd administration, it will happen, haha.

I am always cautious of those "we have a registered U.S. address that is a shed in South Dakota" operations. At least the place outside O'hare is a real business that handles importing tons of small stuff.

I think the other positive I've had going for me with Convoy is that I pretty much exclusively buy AA lights from him, so they're never over $20 in value. That way, if something does go wrong, he's not eating a huge cost to replace the item for me. It's a loss of a few bucks to retain a customer.

I still wonder if Monocrom's issue came down to this harsh reality; above a certain point, it's probably just cheaper to **** off a customer than replace an item. If someone has an issue with a $50+ light, suddenly, that's eating a loss equivalent to a bag of AA lights.

That's, again, why I try not to go over $50 with a Chinese flashlight, as my suspicion is it's easier to just ship out tons of cheaper lights and send out replacements in lieu of QC. For the expensive stuff, I frankly don't think China can compete with US manufacturers to make really nice things, and the shipping really complicates the warranty side of the equation.

For example, if you want some discontinued Surefire style stuff, Lumens Factory is great. BUT, because their stuff is arguably the best lights coming out of China, they're not a whole lot cheaper than U.S. made stuff. My last order with them, I was shocked to realize that a McClickly tailcap for a 6P from them is about the same as one from Malkoff (since shipping is so high from LF). Unless you want a specific style that LF makes, they really can't compete with another small, specialty manufacturer in the U.S. (and, to be fair, while I like LF stuff, the Malkoff tailcap is much nicer). I've been toying with the idea of getting a small form factor P60 dropin E-series from LF, but by the time I priced it all out, it was only $2 more (before LF shipping) to get a 16340 body from Malkoff with a VME head and M61WLL. And, while the Malkoff stuff is just nicer (no offense to LF, again, I'd argue they're the best coming out of China), I know any warranty issues will be WAY cheaper to handle with Malkoff. Also, as an aside, the unshrouded 16340 body with an M61WLL in a VME is my absolute new "designated desk flashlight," retiring my beloved AAA penlight from Killzone, which now lives slightly further back on my desk.

I think LF is interesting, because I know I've seen Mark say he specifically does NOT use the subsidized garbage shipping because he's had so many issues, and that he DOES have to eat the costs when they screw up. So yes, while it costs him business to not use that shipping, it allows him to not have to constantly eat losses. That also means we're paying a more realistic cost to ship to/from Hong Kong. If that loophole gets closed, it's going to be BIG trouble for Chinese companies. Suddenly, at $18 Convoy would be twice as much due to shipping.
But in the long run, it's not cheaper to seriously tick off one customer. A one-time customer who ordered a single, cheap item from you is one thing. Quite another when you know you have a repeat customer who is placing large, multiple item orders from you, then has an issue; and you very politely refuse to do anything for them. Losing THAT customer means losing all of the near future orders he would have placed with you. That's a bit of your profits, now going to a competitor. Also, that customer is going to tell his fellow enthusiasts about his horrible experience with you the very first time there was a problem with one of his orders. So that's more orders you've lost. How much sense, from a business perspective does that make? And yes, since it has been one full year since I dealt with Simon, I know I've cost him several orders.... I've had fellow members mention seeing my posts and deciding not to deal with Simon. Both in Private Messages and here on CPF proper.
The L6 that I bought from Simon directly had a misplaced insulator that prevented the reflector from shorting out on the emitter wafer. It was just rattling around in the head.
With the batteries it was ~$70 but he did send another one and it works fine.
I just don't like the shipping companies he uses.

However, I completely understand Monocrom's reaction.

If I could find someone in the US that sells them, I'd go thru' them. Lumencraft has the older version that he'll modify for an upcharge. Still a fair price for a good torch.
But in the long run, it's not cheaper to seriously tick off one customer. A one-time customer who ordered a single, cheap item from you is one thing. Quite another when you know you have a repeat customer who is placing large, multiple item orders from you, then has an issue; and you very politely refuse to do anything for them. Losing THAT customer means losing all of the near future orders he would have placed with you. That's a bit of your profits, now going to a competitor. Also, that customer is going to tell his fellow enthusiasts about his horrible experience with you the very first time there was a problem with one of his orders. So that's more orders you've lost. How much sense, from a business perspective does that make? And yes, since it has been one full year since I dealt with Simon, I know I've cost him several orders.... I've had fellow members mention seeing my posts and deciding not to deal with Simon. Both in Private Messages and here on CPF proper.
Oh, I agree with you. But, we're in America, and we HIGHLY value customer service. I'm in your shoes with Zebralight. Their CS was beyond abysmal, and it's a few years later, and I'm MAYBE warming up to giving them another chance, haha. MAYBE.

I've found that China doesn't quite share that CS calculus. The shipping costs seem to really eat into their bottom line, so I have a feeling much of their profit is built around that subsidy. It's the only way the bizarre CS experiences I've had make any sense.

For what it's worth, I recommend Malkoff over absolutely everything, because they have absolutely amazing customer service, and genuinely care about the happiness of their customers; the Malkoffs are the quintessential American small business, and everything right with this world :D
In my experience they're an excellent brand for the money, for the variety of builds you can order, and if you're intending to dip your feet into modding. But you gotta take the brand for what it is: the UI on all models is generally usable but far from perfect — especially for the electronic side switch models —, the consistency is not perfect, and you may need a few basic tools to troubleshoot small defects like a loose retaining ring or dirty lens. For me that's small potatoes, for the affordability I can take it.

Though there's the side benefit of Simon's customer service being nothing short of stellar. He always has the customer's back, and if you get a more serious defect like a bad cell or smoked driver he will do right by you.
I don't know and can't speak about Monocrom's case, but more and more it seems like a cosmic fluke with him: he is literally the only one that seems to have had an experience bad enough to swear off the brand.

There's also the matter that you should push these lights to stress at your own risk. They're EDC, not tactical or rated for any specific work environment, so standing up to abuse is not guaranteed. Besides a pair of S2's (older version of the current S6) with loosening retaining rings, I've never had an issue with normal lights, and I neither baby them nor use them as hammers when life gives me nails.

One final caveat: the MAO finish that Simon uses wears down incredibly quickly at the threads, so there's no physical lockout by turning the tailcap loose a little bit, the circuit only loses connection when you've removed the tailcap altogether. This is especially important with the e-switch lights — my S21E MAO turning on in Turbo in my pocket once was bad enough despite being only 719A, I shiver to imagine that happening with an XHP70.3 light.
I don't know and can't speak about Monocrom's case, but more and more it seems like a cosmic fluke with him: he is literally the only one that seems to have had an experience bad enough to swear off the brand.
Have you noticed that no one reporting on Simon's stellar customer service had to deal with him going back one year or further? Good to see that Simon learned the importance of customer service sometime between Dec. 2023 and Dec. 2024.
Ordered M21B and M21F Mao Flashlights both in 5000K SFT40 each.

The M21F Mao came in 3000K.

Sent Simon an email with pic.

First offer was to send new LED and asked if I could replace it.

I've only done a few LED changes so that was a no-go as I'm not proficient in doing that.

I then asked for 1/2 off for a similar light in 5000K and I'd keep the mistake.

He agreed and sent me a code to make it happen.

All happy!

Does anyone know who the local shipping partner with China Post is?

I think it's USPS, but I'm not sure.
I'm not sure, but the closest I can gather is that they do use the USPS. But I also saw that they may use other carriers (most likely china based but in the US)

My convoy package has used several carriers virtually a different one with each purchase. It started with Yunexpress then once in the US, it was uniuni one time and a different one that I can't remember atm with the other.

I've always gotten tracking #s with each carrier, but they don't update until 1-4 days after the fact. They last delivery was always 1-2 days off at least and then the last two days were incorrectly updated. 1 day was "out for delivery" but it wasn't then the next day they didn't update until several hours after I already got the package.

They just don't do things the same way as we do in the US.

To be fair, I have a package coming from the east coast that didn't get updated for a week - which is expected on ground deliveries. But the update today was that is was in a distribution point about a day's worth of shipping (a couple of hours to drive) but then it updated and said it was back at the distribution center in NJ. wtf?

The customer service center is closed on weekends and the AI chat service was stupidly stupid. I was getting frustrated at first but then started laughing when it said that it was "new". "I don't understand can you state it differently?"
I reword it with specifics and short to the point sentences. "I don't understand....blah blah blah I'm new".
It finally told what I already knew that it was in NJ and was going to take another week. ffs I hate AI
Ended up getting one of the 2 lights I ordered.

The S2+ showed up,but the H4 has vanished.

Re-ordered the H4,hoping it actually shows up this time.

Wish Convoy lights were available direct thru Amazon.(Fulfilled and shipped in the US.)
I have enjoyed this thread.
My first experience with buying lights directly from China was Wurkkos. I found that the shipping tracking was much different than American tracking. Usually the Chinese tracking doesn't really start giving you information until it's cleared customs here in America. I just don't worry about it. The deals are good. The price is really good. I've ordered a couple convoys just to check them out for $31 for two lights and really the ability to hand pick drivers and the LEDs and all that other stuff is really cool and I'm looking forward to checking it out.
To be honest, I had a shipment from a company, not flashlight related. That was only a couple states over and it took 10 days to get here bypassing my state completely and going all the way to Puerto Rico before making it back to Virginia and then eventually made it back to my mailbox in North Carolina, so it's not just China. I did learn one thing. There's a Carolina Puerto Rico lol.
Only trouble I've had with China shipping once. It was when solarforce transposed the last two digits of the tracking number. I had the pleasure of watching my package be delivered to somebody in Idaho. Next day my package arrived and sure enough the 45 was supposed to be 54.

Convoy at one point were making the next best thing to P60 lights. Modders were having a lot of fun with them. I never jumped on that band wagon or the zebralight one.
Never thought about modifying a light. I pick one that will do the job in stock configuration. Seems to work for me. I do like all the options out there though which thankfully only puts a small dent in my finances.
Only trouble I've had with China shipping once. It was when solarforce transposed the last two digits of the tracking number. I had the pleasure of watching my package be delivered to somebody in Idaho. Next day my package arrived and sure enough the 45 was supposed to be 54.

Convoy at one point were making the next best thing to P60 lights. Modders were having a lot of fun with them. I never jumped on that band wagon or the zebralight one.
I've only had shipping woes once: the first Sofirn SC13 I purchased pulled a Houdini in the mail. But at the same time I've bought so much stuff and had them shipped without incident that I'll qualify it as a one-off.
Still hope the mail carrier finds that package and sends it home to me... lol
Never thought about modifying a light. I pick one that will do the job in stock configuration. Seems to work for me. I do like all the options out there though which thankfully only puts a small dent in my finances.
Convoy is THE brand for anything and everything modding. Nothing is glued, all parts can be swapped, drivers and emitters are usually easy to access, and some models like the M1/M21B are just begging for potting.

I don't mod much, personally, the most I ever did (beyond reflector/TIR swaps) was two driver changes, and I forgot to add the thermal paste under the star on one of them. :ohgeez: But that modularity doesn't come in handy just for mods, it's also good for maintenance. If a switch breaks, a driver burns out, an emitter fries, a lens breaks, any problem in a Convoy is a problem you can fix yourself with at most a basic soldering station.
Never thought about modifying a light. I pick one that will do the job in stock configuration. Seems to work for me. I do like all the options out there though which thankfully only puts a small dent in my finances.
CPF was started by flashlight modders who could get 1000 lumens from old Maglites. Then when SureFire got popular and LED's started getting brighter than light bulbs an entire industry began with LED modules for popular SureFire lights.

When that fizzled out some turned their attention to Convoy. These days the lights from the factory are as bright or brighter than modders can build. There for a time the buzz was better CRI and nicer tints. Again, the factories churn those out so modders have either faded away, resumed light bulb light modifications or started working for the NSA.
Only trouble I've had with China shipping once. It was when solarforce transposed the last two digits of the tracking number. I had the pleasure of watching my package be delivered to somebody in Idaho. Next day my package arrived and sure enough the 45 was supposed to be 54.

Convoy at one point were making the next best thing to P60 lights. Modders were having a lot of fun with them. I never jumped on that band wagon or the zebralight one.
Convoy P60s would be fun. Though, check out the P60 hosts on Kaidomain. I think Convoy tends to use the same hosts as Kaidomain, so maybe the E6 over there is the same one?

For what it's worth, I got an 18650 and 21700 Kaidomain P60 host. For the like $4-8 extra they cost when buying a $8-12 drop-in, they're impressive. But, if I was wanting a real P60 host, I'd just go the Malkoff MD2 route; an order of magnitude more money, but an order of magnitude nicer, haha. I ended up giving away the 21700 host because I hated it so much. The E6 18650 ain't half bad (though has a proprietary head) with a low power drop-in (I got it to use with ~300 lumen red and amber drop-ins).

Never thought about modifying a light. I pick one that will do the job in stock configuration. Seems to work for me. I do like all the options out there though which thankfully only puts a small dent in my finances.

This is where Convoy is crazy. I was considering getting a setup to try out swapping emitters, etc., but then realized it'd be a LONG TIME before I recouped the cost of the tools for how cheap Convoy is.

So, now when I want to try an emitter, I just get an AA Convoy, then gift it away (even the dumbest people I know can't burn their house down with an AA light, haha). I do also just have a small pile of Convoy AA lights I keep for referencing CCT, etc.

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