Convoy flashlight opinions?


Really enjoying this light. It's in 3000k and a thrower. The site doesn't mention lumen totals or range. I just know when it's on the 100% setting it gets hot fast. And its pretty bright for the backyard.
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My old budget light on the right. My new one on the left. It's a no brainer. How do they do this light for $15-$17? I ordered a couple more Convoys as i fear it's too good to be true.
Hah, that's a common reason to start collecting Convoys :crackup:Welcome to a sub-branch of the rabbit hole, Buff. Don't expect hard specs, but do expect so much variety that you'd spend a treasury's worth and still not get every single possible variation.
Convoy is a funny one to me, as an S2+ was technically my first custom light.
Specified with "7135 x 3 (XML2 T4-7A, 3000 Kelvin)", none of which made much sense to me at the time, and I had to google up and down just to get some understanding of what I was actually looking at.

I know more about the different emitters these days, and have much more of an understanding of what to expect, and this makes Convoys very interesting now. Also, they seemingly have everything!

Got a list with them that just waits for the next paycheck (which arrives tomorrow).
2x T3 Ti (519, 4500K, 4 modes)
C8 UVC, 255 nm
C8 IR, 850 nm
S21D 60º TIR (519A, 2700K)
S12 UVA, 365 nm, with ZWB2 filter
Ha ha ha so glad i'm not the only one that thinks this way. Just when i thought it was fun to collect a light or 2 or 20 along comes Convoy.
Though i'm just starting this journey i barely understand that list of yours. Might as well be a foreign language.
Can hardly wait to try out the Green and Orange emitters i have on the way.
I like the simpler 4 mode operation formate.
I do wish they gave a lumen output though they gave a range on a couple as the different emitters would seem to make a range estimate inevitably?
So weird how i was so hyped about Olight. Baton, Warrior and Seeker. Big money compared to a $15 S15 that is my absolute favorite light. Cheap *** packaging to help keep the price down and yes Olight comes with s battery but i have several spares for any convoys i buy. The clip isn't the quality i'm used to but it's usable. No dual clip but it's easy to switch the clip for lens up lens down carry on the S15 or to use on a ball cap.
Though i'm just starting this journey i barely understand that list of yours. Might as well be a foreign language.
Can hardly wait to try out the Green and Orange emitters i have on the way.
I like the simpler 4 mode operation formate.
Heh, I can understand that. It's definitely a niche selection. ^^
I have so many "mainstream" lights already (and more under consideration - I see you just posted there), I want to try out the ones that does not have much practical use.
Hence the desire for an Emisar K1 thrower, with an Osram W1 Green LED. Also got an Emisar D4K with a Deep Red SST-20 on my wishlist.
The Green is for fun, the Red is to try red light therapy.

The T3's are for my keychains, replacing Nitecore Tip SS's. Not that they need replacing, I just want something new. I'm not really a fan of 14500 cells, as I consider them inferiour to 18650's in every single way. But in this case I am not comparing them to 18650, but against built-in batteries. Which I am even less of a fan of, though they have their uses, like the smallest possible form factor.

The C8 UVC will be put against my Fenix LD32 UVC, for germ disinfection. I know UVC is not a joke, and I am definitely taking steps to protect myself from it during use.

The C8 IR will be mainly for trying to treat some nerve damage I got in my ankle (deep tissue), after a hard hit to the side of my left shin years ago.
I am expecting snake oil for my use case (I know IR is mainly for night vision), but I want to try it. Unlike UV, IR exposure can't hurt the skin (from what I can find)

The S21D with the 60º TIR supposedly offers a very floody beam, but with no exposed LEDs like a mule light. It's meant as indoor moodlighting.

And the S12 UVA will be a 21700 variant of my Sofirn SF16 (18650). I am expecting more output power and / or longer runtime.
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Do Convoy have any protective lens covers for at least some of their models?
All I find are their "filter with silicone holder", but nothing with just a black plastic cover.

I would very much like to have something I would have to physically remove, similar to my Fenix LD32 UVC, as additional security for my TBA C8+ UVC, in case of accidental activation.
Do Convoy have any protective lens covers for at least some of their models?
All I find are their "filter with silicone holder", but nothing with just a black plastic cover.

I would very much like to have something I would have to physically remove, similar to my Fenix LD32 UVC, as additional security for my TBA C8+ UVC, in case of accidental activation.
No, unfortunately. The most they offer for covering lenses is diffusers. You'd have to get one aftermarket, or 3D print it.
Have Convoy stopped all sales for the duration of the Chinese new year celebration?
I really doubt EVERYTHING is suddenly sold out through regular sales.
Reminds me of how some online shops will change the cost of Soon-to-arrive-but-not-here-yet items listed on their sites, to $9,999.oo to let folks know not to buy those items.
I ordered a Convoy M21F with XHP70.2 LED and Liitokala 21700 cell at the end of last year. It arrived at the start of this year. The machining is immaculate, the anodising is perfect and it produces a wall of light with incredibly good regulation and runtimes. It doesn't match my Sunwayman, Olight and Jetbeam lights as the anodising is not HA III and the watersealing is mediocre, but in all other respects it's a steal. I asked a question before purchase and the response was prompt and informative.

If I needed a torch to leave in my car glove box, or for poking around in the attic, I would buy Convoy not a name brand. If I needed a torch for long distance walking or running at night, I'd use a name brand. That said, I had two Sunwayman's fail, one was just sitting in a cupboard, one was dropped.

ALL Chinese brands will have a major CS problem in that it's WILDLY expensive to ship to/from China when the CCP isn't subsidizing it. When you buy directly from a Chinese site, it's often maybe $2 to ship because the CCP subsidizes that. If you need a warranty replacement, that seems to NOT be subsidized, so a round trip is often about $50.
My understanding is that shipping from China is cheap because of an agreement among developed countries to ship from developing countries at low price, in order to encourage their growth. I personally think we should stop doing this with China as they are developed.

One of my Sunwayman torches failed within warranty so I sent it to China at not insignificant expense. It was repaired and returned free of charge. It's not worth it with Convoy. I ordered some fairly small replacement parts for a coffee grinder from Taiwan, the shipping was about £24 or $30.
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