Copper Maglites


Newly Enlightened
Jan 29, 2007
Houston TX
Are the copper maglites being discontinued? I just visited a site that had 2D and 4D copper mags on a clearance. I usually order them from my moms company because they get them directly from Mag, but the guy that she usually deals with said they don't have any copper ones when I tried to order one. In true CPF spirit I had to have one just so I would have one in every color :) then I find them on clearance online. Just curious if any of you guys had any heads up on a possible new color coming along...hopefully bringing back the lime green!
Those copper mags can be difficult to find. Do us all a favor and share what site is selling them.
I saw some copper Mags on in 2D and 4D not sure about others

That's the site I was talking about. I think I'm gonna go back and order a couple 4D's and a couple more 2D's just to have in case they do stop making them.
What is the advantage to making them out of copper?

Or is copper just the color and they're still made of aluminum?
They are fairly uncommon. Buy them while you can, especially at a price like that!! :thumbsup:
why copper? copper is a fugly color.:sick2:

It's not my taste either, but there is a whole bunch of guys out there that likes to collect all different colors of Maglites and Mini-Maglites...fugly ones included. :D

There are some interesting colors of Maglites on the Action-Lites website that I have never seen in a store before.
That's personal I guess. I like the color. I also like the midnight blue, but not the regular blue. That's too light. Too high toy factor.

Yeah, I have to agree, copper is my favorite (well, the gold-plated brass minimag is my favoritist "color"...but
impractical...) practical/working color, followed closely by midnight (dark) blue and hunter (dark) green tied.

And $15.96 (current zbattery price) is pretty darned good for _any_ 4D Mag! Time to stock up . . .

While we're on the subject of the Action Lights website, they still sell the old 4 D cell Luxeon III LED Maglites that have long since been discontinued. Mag Instrument made those in many colors that the incandescent ones are not available in so they're great for modifications.

Anyway, just a heads up in case anyone is interested in a more unusual colored 4 D cell Maglite body for their next project. I bought my silver 4 D cell Luxeon III LED Maglite there a few months ago.
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I will say that I like the variety of attractive colors, and I can sometimes be a 'collect them all' kind of junkie with hobby things.. but Maglites are one thing that I just don't want to collect right now. The colors are attractive and it would look cool to have them all. It's just that I already own three black ones and I don't use any of them! They are just obsolete.. too bulky, heavy and not bright enough. Perhaps one day in the future after I learn to modify Mags to my liking, I will look back and regret not collecting the copper maglite when I could have gotten it. We'll see. :shrug:

Some of you guys should post pictures of your full mag collection, so the rest of us can taste the rainbow.. perhaps inspire/infect others into your way of collecting the old aluminum batons.
Boring newbie (brand newbie, first post). I have never, ever seen a copper colored Maglite and as nutty as I am about flashlights I'm not sure I see the appeal. (will this get me banned?)
Here ya go...


Copper 2D / fivemega first gen deep reflector w/black bezel / ROP Hi / Modamag 2"C"->2D adapter / amber FlashCap