Costco Japan Cyclops 10Mcp (thor-a-like)

So will an non regulated power supply over the rated 12VDC cook this thing? It's not like my NiMH 12V light that takes the higher voltage charger?

I just stuck a meter on the SLA and says 12.94V. I've read elsewhere that above 12.6V is considered 100% so I guess it came out of the box fully juiced.

I'm still having problems with "floating" what exactly does that mean?

Actually, they are made by:
John Mfg Ltd

6/F, Yau Lee Centre,
45 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-2341-1228
Fax: 852-2343-4319
Email: [email protected]

Cyclops is just one of the importers, the same light is imported by multiple companies.

Go to Auto Lanterns, look for Model 2940.

They make many flashlights, swivel head, radio flashlights, flashlights with built in tool cases, even CCFL versions, you'll recognize many flashlights that are sold under real brand name brands on the site.

BTW, their direct pricing is quite nice, if you buy enough.

chevrofreak said:
Considering that the Thor is made in China, and Cyclops is the company that makes them, it probably isnt a knockoff, its the real thing.

[/ QUOTE ]
Lunal Tic,

Check the voltage after a day or 2 and it still should be below 14 or so, WHILE it's charging. A rough guide is the battery is fully charged at 13 (without the charger) and nearly dead around 12 or 11.5 depending on the temperature. Floating just means it gets fully charged and then the charger shuts down (or goes very low) and the battery sits at around 14 volts ("floating"), being regulated by the charger (if it goes below 13 volts it gets charged and then at 14 or so it shuts off again). The big advantage for me has been I can just hook it up, after I've used it, and walk away. I don't have to time the charge or worry about it, and then when I need to use it, it's ready to go. The SLA can sit for years at that voltage and not get damaged and you'll get years (up to 10) of use out of the SLA. The SLAs sulfate when discharged and get dehydrated when overcharged. But between 13.8-14.4 volts they are very happy.

NiMH and NiCD, if I recall, get charged to a certain voltage and then there is a small dip that the charger is supposed to recognize and then it turns off. Otherwise they too will overheat and get damaged. Thus the x990 has green and red lights telling you when it's done and it just shuts off when it's finished.

Eh, that's all I know.
The X990 has a fast/float charger built into battery pack. This is what you get - quality for $$$$. Quite a little demon the X990 is and will "SMOKE" any cheapo THOR!!!! (For$500)
Now for a little basic battery SLA facts.
14.4 volts= charge rate, When current drops below set point
(Determined by battery size) regulator switches to "Float" which equals 13.8 volts on lead acid chemistry.


Other battery chemistries have different charge/float voltages. It's always safe to use lower voltage- just takes longer.

Good Luck.

NikolaTesla /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

An Arc lamp is the Spark that takes away the Dark--HID Forever!

All My Lights

Some Lights
CH and NT,

Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll get over to the electronics district here in the near future. I didn't realize this was going to be such a pain since I've got a dozen or so other power supplies. I figured one of them would work.

I hope to find something that doesn't exceed the cost of the light.

It can be VERY simple. The Cheapo slow chargers won't ruin your battery,

NikolaTesla /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

An Arc lamp is the Spark that takes away the Dark--HID Forever!

All My Lights

Some Lights

Just take a very small 300 ma charger and hook it up and don't worry about it. Even if the battery is ruined (which may take a year or more), the light (and battery) are not that expensive. Here in the states you can get a float charger from most auto supply stores for 20-30 dollars. You probably would have them there too. Or, just put the light on a timer so it won't charge for more than 18 hours or so. SLA's will take a lot of abuse.


Nope, the Thor HID smokes the x990. Maybe the x990 bulb has to be broken in, but the Thor has a much bigger reflector and a lot more throw. Plus, the Thor has an auto ballast, so I don't worry about restriking it (the x990 manual says to wait 5 minutes). But the only answer I see here is to get the 15 mcp Thor and the dl50 bulb and ballast.

So I can take my variable 3/4.5/6/9/12VDC 1A switching power supply and just use that as long as I keep an eye on the time? That sounds better, for now anyway.

Got a guy I'm going to ask about the Japanese words I need then maybe a trip parts hunting.


Yes, as long as the power supply has more volts than the battery. If your power supply is closely regulated at 12 volts and the battery is 13 volts (charged), that probably wouln't work.

Or, just hook it to the car, then no worries.

Well the swithing power supply is 11.99V unloaded output so I'm guessing that won't have much of an effect on a battery that reads 12.94V unloaded right? I guess I have to put it on a 15V charger, assume some sag, and watch the charge time; say ~4 hours?

Anyone have the unloaded output readings from your Thor power supply?

Hey CH,

No car here. Remember I'm in the 3rd world. I walk, take buses, taxis or trains. I've got a 15VDC supply that I connected to the Thor till it got to 14 while on the charger. Now after about 6 hours resting the battery is at 13.17V. Sound good? I hope so.

So how far down can you run this thing before it needs juice? Am I going to have to keep checking it with a DMM all the time or is there a simpler way to gauge?


Sounds perfect. Mine sits at 13.2 volts, off the charger at 60 degrees.

OK, so where in Tokyo can you use a Thor? I used to live in Chicago, and there weren't too many places to use spotlights.

Thanks for the info. As for where I use the monster lights, well I don't live in downtown Tokyo. The view out my window is a movie studio. Beyond that a river and flood plain that is used for recreational purposes. I check out the abilities of a lot of lights shooting out to the river. It works out pretty well. I imagine I've startled a few "late night campers" with a blast from the x990.


For startling "late night campers", you need to talk to Sway and get the 240 Blitz. I like the x990, but you need a big reflector to realize how well the HIDs can really throw.


Thanks for the Blitz info but that doesn't precisely look handheld. I also see on their site that they've got a HID and the 240 Blitz that isn't. Looks like fun though.
