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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2001
Atlanta, GA>> The Flashlight that was broken shall
Moderator Note: Moved to the Café

the SAT test does not allow anything but a simple watch and #2 pencil- its in a public school so no contraband stuff that woulnt fly normaly. this is high security and the watches cant even beep. its assumemed then that you must be "clean" when you enter this place. you know- ITS AN S.A.T.! so since the security is so jumpy i will have to either go without a light and knife or sneak them in .

so- im thinking- what should i sneak in that wont be seen but will be a good edc group?

i mmight carry these:

e2- small and powerful
arc le- totally dependeble
KISS CRKT - clip to the inside of your waist and it disapears
utilikey- extremely useful.

did i forget any thing?
Just bring an E2 and the Arc LE, it will cover a wide variety of situations. If the power goes out, you'll be the king. Ooops, the SAT's will be during the day so that won't apply. Well maybe if a disaster situation strikes and you're there for an extended period of time then it might apply. I'm assuming you won't be "wanded" like I was at the airport, or do they now make you empty out your pockets before taking the SAT?

Anyhow, good luck on the test.
100' of good climbing rope
partial roll of duct tape
fly swatter
and these stealth shoes:
Luckily I am saying this on CPF and not BF, but I think you can go without a knife for the duration of the test. Leave your EDC in the car, and put it back in its usual EDC spot when you return from your 1600

BTW, good luck.

Yes, IMO we don't need to be sneaking weapons of any kind after Sept. 11. If necessary use your wits or get training in hand to hand combat from Kogatana when he retires.
I would have recomended takeing a #2 pencil & a simple watch, unless I really didn't care if I took the SAT or not. TX
If my story keeps you out of trouble, then my day was not a complete waste....

Today at the airport, my wife was stopped and searched because of a micro-sized Swiss Army Knife that she's had on her keychain for the past ten years. Stupid mistake, for sure. But since it has gone through four international airports between 9/11 and today, I guess she just assumed there wouldn't be a problem. Bummer that she didn't ask me, since I've heard horror storeies from friends. But today was *our* day I guess. After they found this little knife with the X-ray machine, all of our luggage was searched, our child was searched, the stroller was searched, our shoes were removed and searched. I was finally able to go back to the lobby to mail my contraband back to myself, which means I had to get back into the security line for a second attempt at it (without wife and child this time). I inadvertently managed to make it through the metal detector with my cell phone, two dollars in quarters in my pocket, and two flashlights. I was in a hurry to get back to my wife and child at this point, and didn't pass through with all this stuff on purpose. But pass through I did. You can imagine how impressed I am that they managed to stop that dangerous 3/4" SWK blade.
Anyway, this whole mess delayed us more then an hour, and almost cost us our flight.

I guess my point here is to suggest you take the simple, safe route and leave anything suspicious in your car. It isn't worth being tossed out of the test, is it?
I would stick to just the flashlights for the SATs. But what, may i ask, are you doing carrying around a knife during and at school hours? Here in California that kind of stuff can get you expelled, fined, and banned from the school district. Not to mention possible jail time for you or your parents. It's called the 'Zero Tolerance' program where i'm from.

I thought about carrying around a knife as an EDC myself. But thinking that i attend a public college, (SDSU) probably has a similar Zero Tolerance law. Since i'm no longer a minor (neither are you), being caught with a simple knife can possibly mean a felony if you are caught with one of these things in a Zero Tolerance area.

So i've decided that, if i were to ever purchace a knife for EDC, i'd carry it ONLY if the day required me to have one. Like if i were to go fishing, camping, hiking, or jogging. I wouldn't take it to malls, airports, schools, clubs, or even to formal events. But this is just me. I like to live life abiding to the rules.
I agree w/ those saying that carrying a knife to school is a mistake. However, once you are off school property & it is legal for you to do so, carry away. A good knife is an invaluable asset to your daily carry.

As for LEDagent - check the laws at your school - many don't consider a swiss army knife, et al, a hazard. California has fairly exceptional knife laws - you can carry pretty much any folding knife, regardless of blade size, very small automatics (although this may change). Take the discussion over to Bladeforums.com, you can get some more info.
I remember when I was a kid in grade school. Every boy in the school over about 8 years old had a pocket knife. We used to play games with them at recess. No one ever got killed. Once in a while someone would get a little cut on his finger.

I still carry a knife to school. I am 45 and am attending classes at a local university. I have no idea what thier knife policy is, but since I also carry a badge, I don't suppose they will mind. I carry my knife clipped in my right front pocket. I also carry a 1911 style Colt .45 in a fanny pack. No one has ever said anything about that either.

I have had one or two students say something about my knife when I have used it in Physics lab. No one realy objected, they were just a bit surprised. The knife in question was a wood inlay Sebenza. Not a really tactical looking knife. That is one of the reasons I carry it. Some reason those "black" knives are more dangerous.

We recently had a young lady removed from school as she had brought a platic action figure to school which had a teeny plastic knife in its hand. Sometimes I wonder if we haven't gone to far. The rest of the time I am sure.

Larry f.
Omaha, Nebraska
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henry Mudd:
I remember when I was a kid in grade school. Every boy in the school over about 8 years old had a pocket knife. We used to play games with them at recess. No one ever got killed. Once in a while someone would get a little cut on his finger...



I grew up in a big city suburb where crime of any kind was rare and front doors were kept unlocked.

My recollection is identical to yours. All the boys had pocket knives and no one thought anything of it. In the eighteen years I was there no crime was committed with a knife or gun and the strongest drugs were alcohol and unfiltered Camels.

The downside was that there were no decent flashlights either, but back then who knew?

PS Did you ever play a knife game called "mumbelypeg" or something like that?

I suppose that in order to be REALLY safe you should probably go ahead and take an automatic rifle to your SAT as well.

I'm gonna take a guess that you don't fly on airplanes much these days Atrick-Pay?
darell: Ever tried opening a package with a
A pocket knife is a pretty losy weapon but it is a great tool. And to disarm
the good guy to protect the bad guy is stupid.

And no I will probably never be able fly on a "US"-Gov. controled craft, again.

"In times of trouble men of worth must rely
on there on good judgement" - J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers)

P.S. Children used to take rifles to skul (school) without problems
Isn't it sad where things have gotten & what caused them to get there. I truely feel bad about the the condition I'm leaving the world in for my kids. I hope they do better than my generation. TX
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Atrick-Pay:
darell: Ever tried opening a package with a
A pocket knife is a pretty losy weapon but it is a great tool. And to disarm
the good guy to protect the bad guy is stupid.
And the "bad guy" in this scenario is.... the package?


Sorry, just playin' with you...

Tex: Agreed.
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