inspired by my Zebralight and the Mule bare emitter floodlights, I converted my e1e to a LED keeping the orginal bezel form.
Used an e can and e sink from the shoppe, FluPic from TNC products, AW rcr123, and LED from Dealextreme.
It was a tight fit and drilled out much of the orginal reflector. I will probably drill it out altogether. Not difficult to do and lots of fun to accomplish.
The Fenix electronics was gutted and replaced with a Dealextreme board. I think its 800ma out and its a single stage screamser,
Used an e can and e sink from the shoppe, FluPic from TNC products, AW rcr123, and LED from Dealextreme.
It was a tight fit and drilled out much of the orginal reflector. I will probably drill it out altogether. Not difficult to do and lots of fun to accomplish.
The Fenix electronics was gutted and replaced with a Dealextreme board. I think its 800ma out and its a single stage screamser,
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