I've only been on one cruise. I'm not much of a vacation person, generally I find them to be more stress than just staying home /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif My idea of a vacation is being home with my shop and projects without other things I have to do, like work /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
But since the rest of the family doesn't share my desire to putter around and mod flashlights and tune up the table saw or experiment with new home automation products that will invariably leave us in the dark unexpectedly during dinner I do sometimes get dragged kicking and screaming to places with beaches and sun and all those sorts of things.
the cruise was actually a gift from the in-laws. they wanted a trip with both their daughters and their husbands before everyone had children and couldn't do things like that for a while. (My wife was pregnant with our first child at the time)
I did have fun, but it was a little difficult some days. it was VERY rough at sea, much more so than usual everyone was saying, and while I'm not prone to motion sickness (though I avoid the rides that spin you in a tight circle at amusement parks) I was really suffering after the first day at sea. The second morning I joined a VERY long line of people waiting down at the docs office for shots for motion sickness. It helped a lot. And it also helped to see that I was by no means the worst off. At least I wasn't holding a trash can and wretching in the hallway like some folks! yuck.
And no, they won't give you a tour of the engine room or the bridge. They are very security conscious when it comes to that sort of thing.
By far the most exciting thing for me on the cruise was a trip to go snorkeling. If you have an opportunity to do that take it! And watch out for the booze, you can drink as much as you want and they just keep charging it to your room and for some of the foo foo drinks that can add up in a BIG hurry! Even though food is included, booze generally is not. So watch out! Drink big fancy things that you like, stay away from the cheap beer as it's not cheap and you won't enjoy it as much as something with an umbrella in it. And anyway, it's more fun to watch your date/girlfriend/wife eat the fruit /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif