Custom Luxeon



Lumidrives can produce custom Luxeon LED arrays on the IMS PCB. We have a number of own standard boards which will be on the WEB site soon. These ones are targetted at RGB Colour mixing.

However would CPF members like to discuss the ideal board layout for your apps. Start discussing this and I will feed back on what is possible and what qtys we would need to kick start it. Our engineering costs are much lower than Lumileds for simple apps. We have custom boards with 36up luxeon LEDs.

lets start a brain storm
What I'd like to see is a multi-LS (two or three) array that could be driven from 8-12VDC. This would make a perfect MR16 replacement lamp.
Er, Darell - Lumidrives already has the HaloLED. But it'd be nice to see how the HaloLED will be those side emitters, or for that matter - the 5W
Hmm. I submitted the form on the Lumidrives site for extra info on the power supply circuits some time ago, after you first posted here(Gordon R that is), but got no reply. What's the deal?

Sorry graham,

lumidrives was launched in November last year. We have been very busy! The web site will be fully uodated in july (we are currently recruiting more staff due to info demands)All tech data will be in pdfs for download.Auto updates will also start churning.

The web site just shows standard products. Behind the scenes we are working on applications people have only dreamed of. Leds coming to a street near you!

Back to HaloLED - to integrate the driver and create a true retro fit is difficult.

Tried by GELCORE but project now suspended.

Problems as follows.

Thermal requirements of LEDs and optics space mean no room for driver in envelope of MR16 lamp.

Many people dim halogen lamps but leds need to dim with PWM to avoid colour shift.

Connecting more electronics on to existing electronic transformers can be problematic type to output wave form etc.

Basically pleasing all of the people all of the time is difficult.

Our intention with haloled was for manufrs of MR16 fixtures can add leds to product range instantly - no need to redesign diecasts etc.

Thanks for your comments

