Cyalume Lightsticks....kind of a flashlight


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2002
Central PA
I'm interested in picking up a number of these in bulk (say around 20 or so) so I can have them around in emergencies and other situations. Most stores charge an exorbitant amount of money for these if you buy them in ones or packs of two.

My questions are thus: Who makes good lightsticks? I'm sure that there are junk ones and premium ones. I wouldn't mind spending a little bit more if it means I get a brighter, longer lasting light.

And of course, where is a good place to purchase lightsticks? I've seen a bunch on ebay for cheap and this is what prompted the quality question.


Keep in mind that lightsticks have an expiration date, and even for fresh ones, the date seems to be no more than 3 years out. So you'll be replacing your lightsticks every coupla years.

In my experience, the best place to buy lightsticks is at gunshows. It's easy to find $10/10-pack even for cyalumes or whatever the big names are. The other nice thing about the gunshows is you can actually look at the stick and see how far out the expiration date is. Many times, the cheap boxes have a date a year or less away, but sometimes I find cheap prices on sticks that have a few years of life in 'em.

You may want to look at Krill lights. They last longer and are more economical than lightsticks due to the changeable batteries. Do a search for "Krill" under the LED forum.
After reading reviews and seeing a Krill in action, there's some reason or other I decided to stick with the chemical lights instead of the Krill, though now I can't remember why? I think it might have been because even the high-intensity Krill put out much less light than a lightstick. Any comments on the tradeoffs between the two?

As far as I have seen, all chemical light sticks are made by one company.

The Krill Extreme Green 180 is the brightest of the Krills, followed by the Extreme green 360. Krill offers several advantages. Unlimited Shelf life w/o batteries. 3000 hours rated life. The biggest advantage, is you can turn them off.
You can't ham handed with Krills, as they are delicate. As long as you take proper care, they will last a long time. Chemical lightsticks have a short shelf life and if the packaging (wrapper) is depressurized, they lose lighting ability very quickly. Lightsticks are also a single use item. This makes the Krills and Glo-Toobs attractive (you can turn them off).
For day to day use (But probably not in an emergency) there's always the Sauce Lightwand

Or not...stick a lithium in it and I suppose you could use it to replace a chemical lightstick for emergency use--run it on the mode where all 3 LEDs are on and you have nice, pleasant, slightly off white light...

18 hours (claimed) one one AAA--not bad if you ask me.