Daniel, We Miss You!


Newly Enlightened
Dec 28, 2001
Seattle, USA
Wherever you went, we wish you were back here making us smile and contributing so many great ideas!

How do the rest of you feel about his absence?
I agree...Daniel, if it's something that one of the members did, I'm sure it can be worked out. If you're just sick of the board, well then...I dunno what to say! But I think a lot of us enjoy and really appreciated all your comments...
I'm rather saddened by this too. Daniel was a good contributor here. It is a shame that all of his posts/topics have been removed.

If anyone contacts him, perhaps find out whether he will come back?

I enjoyed reading his posts that was filled with knowledge and experience. Not sure why he chose to leave but hopefully not for negative comments. I've replied and posted my own comments to a lot of different newsgroups and a few forums on a wide variety of subjects. To my knowledge, I've never deliberately flamed anybody. I've received 95 percent plus professional replies but have received a few zingers here and there. You just have to laugh and go with the flow and realize that nobody including yourself is friends with everybody. By the way, if you deliberately want to get flamed, just profess your love of a particular sports team in a rival sport's team forum/newsgroup.
I got my light I ordered from Dan today, so I let him know how much I liked it. Later, I found out he had withdrawn from the board. He did get put down pretty hard the other night by one of our members. I was hopeing he would ignore it, but I guess he didn't. When he acknowledged my receipt, I sent another email suggesting he come back to the board & ignore getting flamed by one person. I got the impression he wouldn't, at least for awhile. TX
Count me in on this too. I was hoping to buy one of his special Legend lights and have it showcased on my website like I'm starting to do with other user modifications, but now it looks like I may not have that honor.

Daniel, whatever or whoever pissed you off here enough to make you feel unwelcome, I simply can't believe it was intentional. Every board you go to will get some yoyo on it starting sh*t now and again (the infamous Leslie M Collins on the arcade board I'm on, for example), but at least on CPF we take care of our members and try our darndest to not let that happen!

I like to think of the entire CPF collective as one big family with one big home, and it would sure suck if a certain family member from a certain northern latitude were to feel shunned for any reason and not come back home.

Our door is always open here. If for some reason we need to lock it, the key is under the rock directly below the porch light, and there's another one under the mat in case the rock is stuck to the permafrost.
Since I have been feeling poorly the last few days, and been in bed, I think I've read every post on this forum in the last week.

The one that did it was the first critical, -but fairly diplomatic one he ever got. That was 3 days ago.

His last post (yesterday a.m.) said that he'd no longer be selling his mods outside of Alaska because one of the shipments to the lower 48 was opened and inspected by the USPS.
He was not really flamed

-come on back, Daniel
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mr.glow:
The one that did it was the first critical, -but fairly diplomatic one he ever got. That was 3 days ago.

His last post (yesterday a.m.) said that he'd no longer be selling his mods outside of Alaska because one of the shipments to the lower 48 was opened and inspected by the USPS.
He was not really flamed

-come on back, Daniel
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I thought the comments were somewhat on the harsh side, espically now that I have one of his mods. Also, I expect a lot of stuff now gets opened & inspected in the mail. I can't see that stopping him from shipping to the main 48. TX
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ColdLight:
what were they saying to Daniel?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He was talking about maybe getting a patent for one of his type mods, and another member wrote: for what??, a light with a resistor in it?
-and another line went-"why don't you give it a rest?"

So, being rightly proud of his own craftsmanship, I think he was just insulted..
-But the critic did say "no offense intended".....
Hey guys, you are all a neat bunch and i do get very sensitive about my business. I was wrong in my actions, I was negligent in correcting them, i would even be more so if I ignored what you are trying to do to help correct this. Well things have changed, they may not be the same... but if i take a stay of absence its definately NOT because of anger or depression but to make time for what i like to do and thats put a vision into play, I admit openly i am a lousy businessman. I should have finagled some way of making it look like an original LED flashlight, i should have harped "extras" but you know what? i don't give diddly squat about anything else but achieving goals, when I either get the goal or have a new one its time to move on, i was forgetting about HID research i have ardenty vocalized about and still strongly believe will be the new wave of high intensity personal lighting and whatever uses for the Luxeon (which by the way is a pain in the a$$ to make a viable product) I am just plain blown away by all this concern, will you guys stop it?
i just wanted to leave no garbage behind and find my window to stare at and visulize piecing projects together. like what the local Snapon driver asked me a couple of days ago;
can you build or give me ANYTHING with an LED? everybody wants one!, thats what he said, thats after he bought 12 legend mods.then this morning it was similar with the matco guy, and then in April i will have a table set up for our big gun and sporting show in Anchorage, i am hoping to have an HID lantern ready, and i mean about 3200 lumens worth. i dunno how often I will be here but its been too much, cya in a bit because my brain is still using an incandescent "IDEA" bulb and it drained my batteries
Good to know there aren't any hard feelings. I'm glad I ordered mine when I did as I think this a really "cute", useful light. Still haven't figured how you're getting it to run on 12V with no noticeable heat. Take care. TX
When you can make it in, we are all glad to see you.Youv`e got a go ahead,get it done attitude, that is an inspiration to a lot of us.
Dinnae be a stranger,as they say here may yer lum always reek.

I too miss Dan and his wit around here. He willingly shared every idea he had with this group, and often assisted other members. I don't think there are very many members here that shared all the details of all their efforts like Dan did. He also brought a bit of well needed humor to the group with stuff like the 'Junk Yard War' to build the most creative flashlight out of odds and ends.

I also make a lot of 'low tech' mods that involve a simple resistor, or no resistor. I make them for two reasons; it keeps the costs to a minimum, and in some instances is a better solution than a DC/DC converter. For example, some flashlights I built for a local fire department were specifically requested to not use a DC/DC power source. They had a bad experience with a 'major brand' flashlight interfering with their EKG equipment from the small RF emitted from the power converter. They just wanted a better white light and did not want to take the risk of complicating emergency situations with lighting equipment that could cause other problems.

So, just like some people swear by Fords and others by Chevy, everyone has their own ideas of what's right. It's just that some members here took it upon themselves to send emails to Dan belittleing his work and attacking the fact that he would dare sell his 'low tech' mods to other members.

And I thought that was what this group was all about.

I hope Dan continues to visit this group from time to time, and most of all hope that the members of this group who think they know it all go some place else; because after all, if they know what flashlighting perfection is, what are they doing here with us amatures?

It's great to have an opinion, and to have differing opinions, and to discuss those in an open forum. It's another thing to turn those into personal attacks on other members, especially one such as Dan who contributed so much to this group.

So let's just try to be the adults we're suposed to be, and respect the opinions and work of others, even if it differs from our own.

I'm probably one of the older members here, and the only 'wisdom' I can pass on to this group is that the older I get, the more apparent it becomes there are no absolute 'rights' and 'wrongs'; all things are shades of grey and need to be considerd in their context.

End of sermon..........
I don't want to belittle the point, but could somebody refer me to the offending post that was critical of Dan?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lambda:
It's great to have an opinion, and to have differing opinions, and to discuss those in an open forum. It's another thing to turn those into personal attacks on other members, especially one such as Dan who contributed so much to this group.

So let's just try to be the adults we're suposed to be, and respect the opinions and work of others, even if it differs from our own.

I'm probably one of the older members here, and the only 'wisdom' I can pass on to this group is that the older I get, the more apparent it becomes there are no absolute 'rights' and 'wrongs'; all things are shades of grey and need to be considerd in their context.

End of sermon..........


That was one of the better "sermons" in my experience.

Best regards,
As I was the one who posted what others here said was "harsh" and "offending" I would like to add my 2 cents - while not wanting to comment on if my post was such - this certainly is highly subjectiv and as Daniel deleted that post together with lots of other useful posts from other CPF-ers its gone anyway ... so just the points I made.

I was proposing to Daniel to review his "tactics" as I named them on the following issues and to give it a break.

He was talking about pantenting his mod consisting of the 12V battery and resistor and Nichia Led - this was discussed, explained and detailed out here on CPF months maybe years befor Daniel did his, as he posted once he might have also gotten the idea to do his mod right here on CPF in these posts detailing out that mod (which is also on Quickbeams site)

He claimed in his sales-thread his mod using one overdriven Nichia is brighter than a Mag 2AA - as most people might agree there is no way for one Nichia bee it overdriven till it pukes to be at that level.

He clobbered every other available thread vaguely related to LEDs with his advertisements for his own mods.

What finally made me post was that after a Nichia guy coming in on CPF and posting useful informations Daniel asked what this Nichia guy wanted from him coming to CPF ...

This is what I posted - the actions taken thereafter in deleting not only his posts but also threads he created and where others posted lots of good information do at least to me confirm what made me post in the first place - this board outside of the "for Sale" area is a non-profit community oriented thing and this setup I believe is good.

