I am hoping if I have further conversation or communication with David that I can somehow convince him that in fairness to the less popular metals that he should make a limited edition Ti light for those of us never fully outfited for a picnic (if you catch my drift!) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif . In case you missed my drift, consider a short deck of cards or an elevator that doesn't stop on all floors! Understand that there is nothing wrong with this; just special attention required. The Proton is a very intelligent light of Al with a plastic replaceable window. Intelligence has never been my concern or strong suit. I want a Ti host with sapphire crystal window. I have been waiting for some time now for my ideal key chain light and I think I have now seen a glimpse. I look forward to the day that I can leave my sheltered shop, walk among giants on a busy city street with the confidence that I have a better and more outlandish flashlight in my pocket than they do! The potential to win a contest, unknown to others, is not only a worthy goal but a condition or position from which one can hold ones head high and rest assured. I am really not interested in any thoughts or comments in disagreement here. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nana.gif
Britt, I may need help in remembering ths but you will be on the short list! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif
EDIT: LowBat,
I would guess that the Proton could even be a hotter item than the Q3 with a much larger market base even though the price is not trivial. Beyond interest levels, candidly, a comparison between the Q3 and the Proton does the Proton a serious injustice on some significant levels, IMHO. I mean no disrespect to any parties here but the level of sophistication and unique design present in the Proton is not seen elsewhere in similar packaging; at least to my knowledge. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif