This is the adaptor I made to hold the DBS pill. I have not deburred it yet, but will. It is .875" in diameter, and .600" long. It fits into the L5 body with less than .001" clearance, so a little thermal compound is all that is needed to get good heat transfer from the pill to the body. The thread on the pill is weird, maybe proprietary, so I had to cut the threads in my lathe. The DBS pill outside diamter is .770"/19.5mm x 25 threads per inch. Taking out the factory heatsink and putting this unit in moves the batteries forward in the light body quite a bit. Enough so that the batteries don't make contact with the tailcap. I run my light with a Leef extension (2 X 18650's) so all I did was shorten the Leef extension so the tailcap would make contact with the batteries. If I wanted to run two primaries I would need to make an insulated extension that fits up inside the new pill to move the battereries back out some.
This is an easy mod if you have a lathe. Maybe somebody will produce a few of these on a CNC lathe to sell. This makes the light a lot more versatile. I can switch out the Deereelight pill in less than a minute. There is no change to the body of the light so I can put the original LED/heatsink/driver back in anytime.