Deal Extreme now selling SHOWER HEADS?

I wish there were pics of them in actual lamps with shades! And, a comparison for number of LEDs to watts. I don't see how great they'd be with those reflectors on them, doesn't that defeat the purpose of bulbs being omnidirectional?
The color changing one definatly looks worth picking to play with, though. Please update this thread with your thoughts (and pics!) if you guys buy any.
I ordered the 48-light version. If run at 20 mA per LED, that's about 3.5 Watt. Maybe it will be as bright as a standard 25-40 W bulb?
Omega Man said:
I wish there were pics of them in actual lamps with shades! And, a comparison for number of LEDs to watts. I don't see how great they'd be with those reflectors on them, doesn't that defeat the purpose of bulbs being omnidirectional?
The color changing one definatly looks worth picking to play with, though. Please update this thread with your thoughts (and pics!) if you guys buy any.
most of the light is going to be thrown straight forward into a narrow spot anyway because those LEDs each have focusing lenses. If you were to take the entire thing, and grind the plastic "domes" off of the LEDs using sandpaper, then polish each surface smooth using a gritty polish of some sort, then that would generate a more omnidirectional flood light.

If these are using the same LEDs used in their LED flashlights etc. then those aren't the most efficient 5mmLEDs on the market, but they are pretty decent. Manually replacing ~100 LEDs doesn't really sound worth it as an upgrade though.

If they were to come out with household bulbs utilizing Cree LEDs for about $20 I would by tons of them though -- there you know what you're getting, it's easier to control the optics on a single source, and it's possible to upgrade down the road.
I bought one of the 61 LED and one of the 48 LED. I'll try to find some place for them. I'm hoping the 61 LED one is outdoor weatherproof so I can stick it in a backyard PAR-38 socket. I don't know if it will be UV-proof plastic or not either.
Interesting :)

I wonder if, as is stated on that page, running 220V will diminish lifespan - or if they have a specific 220V version (which seems possible from one of the comments made)
r0b0r said:
Interesting :)

I wonder if, as is stated on that page, running 220V will diminish lifespan - or if they have a specific 220V version (which seems possible from one of the comments made)
Since they're probably just using capacitors in series to limit the AC current, I suspect running 220 would result in a severe overdrive. Multi-emitter arrays like this aren't very tolerant to heat buildup, so I could definitely see severely shortened life as a consequence. Heat tolerance would be another advantage of something Cree or Seoul based.
Nice. Will probably give them a shot.
Would be great if they were in Bayonet fitting aswell (or maybe I missed that too!)
The 220v version is now also listed.... but unfortunately not available with the Bayonet Cap used in the UK :(
Yeah us Aussies use the dodgy Bayonet standard too, primarily.

I have a few threaded fixtures but they are not in a situation where a low powered flood would be acceptable.

I am still interested in these, however, and may purchase one anyway...

I wonder of the longevity of these fellows? I've heard several complaints of individual LED burnouts in other AC replacement fixtures.

For $8 who's to complain though :p

I would like a blacklight one...
KDOG3 said:
Now that actually looks useful. I wonder how bad the tint is on them though.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly - based on the 18,000mcd leds I've bought from them in the not-too-distant past, I'm guessing output will be slightly blue/purple-tinted on these. Looking forward to hearing how they actually turn out.
Recently to reduce my electric bill, I changed most of my incandecent light bulbs to the energy saver ones (the ones that look like twisted neon tubes). Now some locationas are on timer which ramges from 1 to 4 minutes. After a month ot two some of those lights' tube turn black and eventually stop working a few days later. I did not come to any conclusions yet because it could be the difference in qualities because I bought several brands starting form $1.99 up to $7.99 each or may be this type doesn't like to be cylcled on/off too often.
Anyway, I heard about the new multi-led ones but some said after a few weeks some leds stop working. I bought one to try and it is the 18 led which gives out the light very similar to the sunlight that comes through my skylight unlike the yellowish cast from the neon ones. Howevr, the 18 leds one is not very bright and only good to just brighten my hallway with a small circle at 10 feet away. Hopefully there shower head will do a better job.
For those who got then in hands, please let me know how you like them.
Maybe you got oil on the outside of the tube while you were installing them, that can speed up the death of any lightbulb really. The oil heats up and farx the gizzards.