Dealextreme Reviews


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2007
Northern CA
Fifthunit, now Dealextreme, used to have a reviews section on their website that reviews all of their lights, does anyone know if that can be accessed anymore? I can't access it using the old link, understandably. But I would think that they saved all of that info and would post it somewhere. Anyone know? Or does anyone have the pages saved on their computer? I'd love a copy if so.

Hmmm.... this seems to be about flashlights. I'm not sure why it was moved to the Cafe.

Contacting Dealextreme may be the best way to find out if they've still got their light reviews accessible somewhere.
moved post to CandlePowerForums > General Flashlight > General Flashlight Discussion> Resurfaced as DealXtreme & Dropped Prices!!!!!!!

Don't know why somebody moved Dealextreme Reviews to the cafe.
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