Dedoming LED'S/ Boosting Amps-Shortens Life?


Aug 4, 2013
Valley Forge, Pa.
I searched numerous threads about dedoming and did not find these answers. :(

If this is already on a thread,,I apologize!

A couple simple questions.

1. Does Dedoming by "Itself" reduce the life of an LED?

2.Does Dedoming and boosting the Amps reduce the life of an LED?

3.Does boosting amps ALONE[DOMED or DEDOMED] reduce the life of an LED.

I realize there are a lot of variables. How much of a boost? How hard/long the light is run?

Lets say a light that was factory domed at 3.5A and now is dedomed at 5.5A?

How about generally speaking and/or the best way you can answer the Two questions!

Ohh,yaaa..My Guess[answers] would be:

,,,,,,,,,TIME IS YOURS!!! :)
1. De-doming certainly has the potential to damage an LED. But if it is done successfully, there is no reason to think the LED lifespan should be shortened.

2 and 3. Boosting current MAY significantly shorten the life of an LED, regardless of de-doming, especially if you are pushing it too hard. Heat does cumulative if you let it get even a little hotter than it should, you are doing incremental damage to the LED. But with an typical MINIMUM lifespan of 20,000 hours (and much more in some cases), if you don't burn it out quickly, chances are it will be fine until you lose the light, damage it, or replace it. And unlike incandescents, LEDs put out usable light right up until they die...don't fade away into infrared (non-visible) light. Realistically, burning out an LED is likely to be the last problem you encounter. Far more likely to burn out a driver, or drop the light and damage it, or simply lose a light, than you are to wear out an LED.

And if you're an enthusiast talking about dedoming or boosting amps, chances are it'd probably be time for an emitter swap to the latest and greatest LED long before your current LED burnt out.
1. De-doming certainly has the potential to damage an LED. But if it is done successfully, there is no reason to think the LED lifespan should be shortened.

2 and 3. Boosting current MAY significantly shorten the life of an LED, regardless of de-doming, especially if you are pushing it too hard. Heat does cumulative if you let it get even a little hotter than it should, you are doing incremental damage to the LED. But with an typical MINIMUM lifespan of 20,000 hours (and much more in some cases), if you don't burn it out quickly, chances are it will be fine until you lose the light, damage it, or replace it. And unlike incandescents, LEDs put out usable light right up until they die...don't fade away into infrared (non-visible) light. Realistically, burning out an LED is likely to be the last problem you encounter. Far more likely to burn out a driver, or drop the light and damage it, or simply lose a light, than you are to wear out an LED.
Thanks,,,,,my Vinh lights should last a long time,at least the LED should. With winter over, they will be getting hotter quicker[actually in the winter that was never an issue!] and max will be used accordingly!

My other modded light, OSTS TN31mb,,,,,,,,is amazing in a few ways,,,,,,,,,One its run time. I ran it for 70 minutes on max, 20, 15, 15 and 20 minute increments with about a 10 minute rest in between, with an indoor temp of 63F, NEVER got too hot and the resting voltage was 3.56V! It is 477Kcd w/ only about 800 lumens w/ a dedomed XPG2[S2],,,,Very efficient torch.My Vinh lights are driven harder w/ more lumens.
IMO, and are strictly opinions as I have no proofs for anything

1. Yes - The Dome is made up of a material that is very high heat resistant. Even my 899F iron tip can't burn it. At least not with minimal contact/exposure. So I think this Dome could potentially help take a little heat away from the phosphorus die and bond wire, like a heat sink. I due understand that the rubber/silicone like material is not a heat conductor. Now that the phosphorous die is exposed to air in a dedome LED, there might be a chemical reaction between the die surface and the air, especially when the LED is ON. The bond wires are also now loose and has less impact resistant as the dome is no longer there to hold it in place. A light bulb filament could easily break under impact when the bulb is hot. I suspect the same phenomenal with the bond wires. I also think the bond wires are made out of a gold alloy. Otherwise how can any other material handle such a high amount heat/current.

2. Yes - Overdriving anythingreduces it's life. This reduction will be exponential if there is poor heat sinking.

3. Yes - But I think its less dramatic without dedome for speculations stated in number 1.

Fortunately, I have dedome and driven countless LEDs from different manufacturers. I also run a large number over driven dedome LEDs regularly and they all put up fine. I have not noticed any degrade in lumen visually with overdriven runs. I have very few returns of Dedome LEDs dying and no report of lumen reduction from use yet. But then again, I also get an equal number of returns of dome on LEDs with no current boost lights. Therefore, I see no reason for any alarms on the longevity of a dedome overdriven LED. Plus, LEDs are cheap to replace :)
IMO, and are strictly opinions as I have no proofs for anything

1. Yes - The Dome is made up of a material that is very high heat resistant. Even my 899F iron tip can't burn it. At least not with minimal contact/exposure. So I think this Dome could potentially help take a little heat away from the phosphorus die and bond wire, like a heat sink. I due understand that the rubber/silicone like material is not a heat conductor. Now that the phosphorous die is exposed to air in a dedome LED, there might be a chemical reaction between the die surface and the air, especially when the LED is ON. The bond wires are also now loose and has less impact resistant as the dome is no longer there to hold it in place. A light bulb filament could easily break under impact when the bulb is hot. I suspect the same phenomenal with the bond wires. I also think the bond wires are made out of a gold alloy. Otherwise how can any other material handle such a high amount heat/current.

2. Yes - Overdriving anythingreduces it's life. This reduction will be exponential if there is poor heat sinking.

3. Yes - But I think its less dramatic without dedome for speculations stated in number 1.

Fortunately, I have dedome and driven countless LEDs from different manufacturers. I also run a large number over driven dedome LEDs regularly and they all put up fine. I have not noticed any degrade in lumen visually with overdriven runs. I have very few returns of Dedome LEDs dying and no report of lumen reduction from use yet. But then again, I also get an equal number of returns of dome on LEDs with no current boost lights. Therefore, I see no reason for any alarms on the longevity of a dedome overdriven LED. Plus, LEDs are cheap to replace :)

Thanks Vinh!!! :)

Your input was very helpful!:twothumbs