Did my first "candlepowerforums-upgrade" last night. Tec 40


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 14, 2002
Lexington, SC
Well so far my Princeton Tec 40 is about my best flashlight, along with an Engerizer Arc White(like alot), Brinkmann Rebel LED(i like it), Brinkmann Black Mini Max(keychain light, gave to wife, needs an upgrade), Garrity 6v lantern with Krypton bulb(throws a good spot for $6 invested), and Eveready 6v lantern with KRP103($5 invested, good light to me)

Well back to subject I put a KRP103 in my Tec 40 last night and it seemed to brighten it up a good bit!

Well next lights and mods' on my list are as follows:

UKE 2AAA mini pocket
Vector Mega Sport Spot (3m cp)
a pelican of some sort??(i really like how they look)
2 lithium AA's for my Brinkmann Rebel LED
maybe down the road an Arc AAA

Im really looking now for a good pocket/belt holster light that has a tail button on/off(that tactical look) and that is sleek and tough. something with a narrower beam and more streamlined head than the Tec 40. Wanna keep it under $30 if possible.
Along the line and budget of the Scorpion, is the Brinkmann Legend LX, which is carried by Walmart. Don't know about the streamlined head, but it is a perfect heatsink. ($19.9x at Walmart)

CR123As can be had for $1.65 each in quantities of 48, from http://www.cheapbatteries.com/ and those are GE-Sanyo. I just got a order of 48 from them.

You could always spend more and get a Surefire E1E HA III (single 123 and 90 minutes runtime, plus pocket clip).

I do have an LX and it is the only incandescant that I won't convert to LED.

You can put an LED bulb in that PT 40 and Brightguy.com carries one (find the PT 40 and it is under accessories for it). Great for those hurricane and other longer term power outages, with the PT 40 being waterproof + LED bulb for conserving batteries.
Are you using NiMH w/KPR103?

A light you might consider is the 4AA Responder.

4AA Responder from BrightGuy

It has the tail switch you are looking for and uses PR bulbs so you can match up the NiMH with the KPR103. Do a search for "responder" and you'll find plenty of comments on the light on this forum.
I concur with ikendu on the Responder & that bulb/battery config. It comes with a really nice bulb for the alkalines too. TX
I know its out of the range you mentioned but think about the SL Scorpion. Maybe you can find one used in the For Sale Forum. I recently aquired a PT Impact. Kinda big being it is a 4AA, but you might check out the Impact 2. It is smaller and I have read reviews that state it has the same characteristics as the regular Impact which has a good beam and tremendous amount of reach for a single LED. Don't let the single LED thing out you off, the lens really inproves the performance of the beam. Check some of the sites that have reviews of these lights and others.
Originally posted by webley445:
I know its out of the range you mentioned but think about the SL Scorpion. Maybe you can find one used in the For Sale Forum. I recently aquired a PT Impact. Kinda big being it is a 4AA, but you might check out the Impact 2. It is smaller and I have read reviews that state it has the same characteristics as the regular Impact which has a good beam and tremendous amount of reach for a single LED. Don't let the single LED thing out you off, the lens really inproves the performance of the beam. Check some of the sites that have reviews of these lights and others.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">thnx for the reply! i have seen and like the scorpion but 1 hour of runtime and lithium batteries is turn-off for me. also, i guess i should have mentioned that i want it to be an incandescent. so far about the only one that's appealed to me is the streamlight propolymer 4aa cause i can get it in black and it has a tail-button switch. any other suggestions?
Originally posted by Charles Bradshaw:
Along the line and budget of the Scorpion, is the Brinkmann Legend LX, which is carried by Walmart. Don't know about the streamlined head, but it is a perfect heatsink. ($19.9x at Walmart)....
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">i like the legend lx, my friend has one, but then again it has only 1 hour runtime.
Originally posted by ikendu:
Are you using NiMH w/KPR103?
A light you might consider is the 4AA Responder.
4AA Responder from BrightGuy
It has the tail switch you are looking for and uses PR bulbs so you can match up the NiMH with the KPR103. Do a search for "responder" and you'll find plenty of comments on the light on this forum.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">im sorry, i am kinda new, which batteries are NIMH? i just have regular alkalines in it but i am considering some lithiums(got 2 sitting at home right now)

im gonna consider the responder(gotta check dimensions, i want to try and stay under 6"
Rechargables come in 3 flavors: NiCad (Nickle Cadmium), NiMH (Nickle Metal Hydride), and rechargable Alkalines (limited number of rechargings). At least for the sizes we are talking about. For NiMH, you also need a charger for NiMH. Same with the rechargable Alkalines.

One hour runtime flashlights are not for continual usage.

When I got my LX, I also called Brinkmann and got 6 extra bulbs and got 48 123s from cheapbatteries.com. So I am all set there.

I like the Rebel also. You could get an Inretech 2AA white (use Lithium AAs), plus a Kroll clickie switch (switch from Brightguy). The light body is a Minimag 2AA, with a Luxeon Star LED instead of the standard bulb. The CMG Reactor (2AA) is in your stated range and is optimized for Lithium AAs (also Luxeon Star LED), but tailswitch possible.
I noticed that Botach has Toshiba 123's for $1.50 in packs of 20. Are toshiba's any good?
Originally posted by Charles Bradshaw:
Rechargables come in 3 flavors: NiCad (Nickle Cadmium), NiMH (Nickle Metal Hydride), and rechargable Alkalines (limited number of rechargings). At least for the sizes we are talking about. For NiMH, you also need a charger for NiMH. Same with the rechargable Alkalines.
I like the Rebel also. You could get an Inretech 2AA white (use Lithium AAs), plus a Kroll clickie switch (switch from Brightguy). The light body is a Minimag 2AA, with a Luxeon Star LED instead of the standard bulb. The CMG Reactor (2AA) is in your stated range and is optimized for Lithium AAs (also Luxeon Star LED), but tailswitch possible.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">thank you for the input, im gonna look at the Inretech, but I think i have decided to go with the UK Mini Q40(black) and Im gonna run it with Lithiums. I know it doesn't have the tail switch but the twist on/off doesn't require too many twists, plus it's nice and small.

Any suggestion on the best, sleekest holster/carrier for the Q40?
thnx again!
Lightman, Botach toshiba's worked fine for me. I got them in a special with a scorpion a while back
Though the scorpion is cheaper now.