I have done a simple LED Mod to my bike's turn signal & brake lights....
have a look... at
This thread
Some of the Questions that i had that time are quoted below.... you will have to go through the whole thread to see the details & responses to my questions...
ViReN said:
Hello All,
First of all consider following schematics
Schema 1
Schema 2
The above two are two possible configurations for my car vanity mirror light. The battery source is having a constant voltage of 12 Volts. I am connecting a series parallel combination of 3 LED's in series and 6 such rows connected in parallel making total of 18 LED's. The desired LED Current is 30 mA and VF is 3.8 Volts (slightly overdriving LED's). I do not intend to make use of Buck Regulators, as there are space restrictions. Out of above two, which configuration is best? And why?
Also, do you think using Buck Regulator & a Sense Resistor (for current limiting) make things any better?
As always, Your suggestions and comments are most valuable to me.
Thanks & Regards
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ViReN said:
Hey All....
Its DONE /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Here are the details....
I did experiment with different values of resistors and at different supply voltages .... I also checked what voltage do I get at the Battery Terminals (about 16 !!!) and at the Light Connection Point (about 11.9 when car is off... and goes up to 13 when the car is on almost near full throttle.... actually the voltage changes first up to 13.5 and then drops near full throttle, must be some sort of internal regulation inside the car's circuit). So... I used a 39 Ohm's Resistor 1/8th watt. 1/8th watt instead of 1/4th ... please note this. Its a Metal Oxide resistor. So in worst case, the resistor will blow off... saving the LED's. I also measured current through one row and it was at max of 36-37 mA @ 15 Volts .... (the resistors did the job of keeping the current down.... though they got a lil warm... but did not blow off or any thing like that and that too for about 4-5 Minutes... I guess this much time is enough for it to settle down)....
Using Luxeon's is out of question as for now, because they are costly. For me the total cost of project was very very economical.
Here's the maths...
-->Cheap (Hong Kong) 10,000 mcd LED's 18 @ $0.2 (each) = $ 3.6 (these LED's are not as bright as Nichia's but they definately are brighter than most of other LED's in market). If i had to use Nichia's ... to get the same output... i would have required atleast 9 LED's .
-->Resistors 1/8 Watt, Metal Oxide 20 @ $0.2 (total) = $ 0.2
-->Cost for PCB Making 1 @ $ 1 = $ 1
-->Total cost of project = $ 4.8
.... and i guess a Simple photon costs $ 15 isnt it ? of course... it has ton's of functions... but the bottom line is.... you get the whole light modified under $5 and its really worth.
If ever I have to sell these PCB's with LED's .... i think i will take additional $ 1 (adding towards man power expences) .... Shipping charges extra ofcourse /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif ... so the total cost for buyers will be $ 5.8 + Shipping...
Ok... Much said.... Here are the Pictures
Note: forgive me for bad picture quality... they are captured from my mobile... as i was lazy to capture em with my digi cam...
Pic 1 - The Internal, Lights off, showing the layout
Pic 2 - The Internal, Lights on (these lights are not throwing any direct light (beam) to the camera lense... if i try to capture like that... all that you see is just a corona of light... every thing else is DARK)
Pic 3 - The Exteriors, Lights on and with light cover put on
Please note that the Light is evenly distributed after putting on the light cover (which is a soft light diffuser) and ofcourse... very bright pure white (slightly bluish tinge) light.
Please Comment about the things.
I must thank to every one who has contributed towards this. Special Mentions to Steelwolf /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks & Regards,
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ViReN said:
Hi again....
Just fixed the lights .... here are the pictures....
Pic 1: The brake Light console(upper one) (also note small twin cluster lights below(lower one)) All LED's ... and the blueish lights on the number plate are in fact WHITE lights... appearing blue as compared with the red ones... or may be its just because of my mobile's camera ... the camera is not recieving direct light... it is taken from an angle....
Pic 2: Yeah... thats what happens when they are directly pointing towards the camera lense... in fact its a cluster of Amber & Red-Orange LED's ... and the fact is that they are REALLY Bright
Pic 3: This one i guess is a proper picture to show relative light Output ... note this time.. its not directly pointing towards the lense
Hope you like it...
Best Wishes,
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it actually started as a car vanity light... ended up in modifying bike too /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif