Dimming with Xitanium


Apr 1, 2008
I've been using one of the 12W (350mA) Xitanium drivers for bit now and I'm very pleased, however it seems I went a bit overboard on the brightness. After looking for a while at digikey for a suitable pot to use for dimming, it occurred to me that it might be best to ask for some advice. What I am hoping to end up with is a dimmable string of leds driven by a 12W Xitanium in a CreeBar. What I currently have is a constant output string of leds driven by a 12W Xitanium in a CreeBar. Any suggestions on components to use or avoid?
So I assume you did not get the original dimmable transformers? I have been very close to getting a couple, problem is finding a "recommended" dimmer pot to go with their transformer. They would get tons of business if they made it simplier to find out the information needed. Who doesn't want dimmable led capability in any project.

I found the Zane PWM dimmers very good as along as you use a proper and unfortunately expensive power supply. A power brick probably won't work for long (ask me how I know) unless it is made for it. I think ledsupply or theledlight have some of those good bricks but they are expensive.

I believe you may not have good luck on just simply trying to dim the output of the transformer you have. You will be trying to trick the transformer and I bet it will not like it (again, ask me how I know this).

It has been way to long ago and I tried dimming the output of a microdrive and one of the Advance transformers too....might have been the 700mA model.....got hot FAST as I recall. I did not work well.

In my opinion you have two choices, either a real dimmable Xitanium transformer with proper pot, or real DC power supply and Zane dimmer. Both of those would be fool proof.

Oh, your other option would be to order some older leds that have less brightness. I have been ordering older Seouls from Mouser for around a year. Page 96. Check it out. The 3000K ones work perfect for low brightness uplighting.

Bob E.