Ding dang it--I done gone and did it


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017
I found out yesterday I had a hole in the bottom of my shoe, but I was looking at incan flashlights on ebay and they had a brinkmann black max 1aaa flashlight for under 5 dollars with free shipping and then I discovered another for under $10 including shipping--a brinkmann legend professional 1aaa with a clicky tailcap.

To be honest I don't know if they will outperform a solitaire or not. I think I can use the solitaire bipin bulbs in it if the others go out. Is the brinkmann bulbs brighter? Anyone know about these lights? I think you can buy 10 black maxes for $20 on there still and there might be more legends on there also. Hope I ain't doing anything wrong posting this last part about availability and the price.

Just a bipolar blonde who is off his meds..

I'm chickenwhisperer687 on youtube. Come check out my channel.
The solitaire is a much better light. Now the Brinkmann used a bulb that has a round globe so the hole in the reflector is wider. But you can use the brighter solitaire bulb.

If you want to go with a Brinkmann go with the Legend. They were designed by Don Keller and built tougher than the black max.

Brinkmann wanted to build lights cheaper and threatened to have them built overseas. Don said "fine, I quit" and left. Anything Brinkmann that's not a Legend is junk except the 6 volt MaxFire and Rebel X6. They were decent. The MaxFire can accept modern LED modules.

The best Legends were the C and D series but the 2aa Legend isn't bad at all. There's also a "pre Legend" called the lawsuit light. It looks exactly like a solitaire, bezel stamp and all. Parts can be interchanged with a minimag except the switch. Those differed. Maglite sued Brinkmann over that one. But if you can find one of those they are good.
I just won a lawsuit light for a $5 bid. It was a 2aaa. I did get a 1aaa legend--new old stock for under $5. Both lights khad about five dollars shipping. Well, on the two 1aaa's I bought I don't have to be concerned about getting the brinkmann bipin bulbs for them. I only wanted them because I thought someone on here said they were a little brighter. The solitaire is more plentiful and mag instruments still sell them. Thank you bykfixer. I want a ml25it 3c next and I can get it now, but I best wait because come next month I am worried about finances.
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I found one of those other lights on ebay and it looks like the rebel x6 where someone on here posted a pic. I don't think they know what they are selling. It takes those 123 batteries. It was $15 and I think four something shipping.
Yeah, what you said about Don Keller and what I read about him, there probably wouldn't have been any maglites without his input, yet he always seemed to get the short end of the stick and got done wrong. Many others now are still making money off of his ideas and designs.
I found one of those other lights on ebay and it looks like the rebel x6 where someone on here posted a pic. I don't think they know what they are selling. It takes those 123 batteries. It was $15 and I think four something shipping.
The X6 was sold at Wal Mart for about a year. It was about $25. You can use a 4 cell maglite bipin or a streamlight TL2 bulb in those.
It's an all metal body with a ceramic bulb retainer and a glass lens. One could probably use a 6 cell maglite bulb and a pair of RCR batteries to get it nice and bright.
Ok, I own it. I looked up the maxfire and the rebel x6. It's the rebel. It takes two cr123a batteries. I got it for $12 with around $5 something extra for shipping. They said they would refund my money if I don't like it.
Those are hard to find. Good score!

Ok. Would be nice if they include the battehries. One picture showed it on and it seemed bright. Cr123a batteries don't leak, so maybe they did include them.

It makes me think I have a poor man's surefire.
Well, I mentioned a few lights I had ordered earlier in this thread, but I went a bit too far and bought ten in total--all incandescents. I think it was eight brinkmanns and two maglites.

Only thing is ebay, or somebody got something confused. On two of them my email says that one of the five that came today, one of them I didn't receive, but I received one that wasn't listed as being received yet. Can't make any headway with ebay on it, but maybe it's coming. I could understand the mistake if I had bought two from the same shipper, but I didn't with those two lights..... weird
Hey bykfixer, I sent you a message about a flashlight on ebay you might be interested in, but I think its been about a week now so I don't know if it is still there. I figure you get a lot of messages and sometimes get behind on checking them.
Those brinkmanns with a click tail switch--not a in the mouth light. They fit well, but you will probably have to take the switch apart and clean it. Mainly the inside of the brass piece that screws in. Those are also reverse threads.
Hey bykfixer, I sent you a message about a flashlight on ebay you might be interested in, but I think its been about a week now so I don't know if it is still there. I figure you get a lot of messages and sometimes get behind on checking them.
I saw it. I really appreciate it but don't really collect flashlights anymore. Nope I sit on the sidelines watching you guys play these days. Not retired mind you. Just not a player in the game of flashllight collecting anymore.

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