Dirt cheap, throwaway AA LED?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2004
Newark, DE
The kids keep coming over to my house and taking all my good flashlights! I need a big pile of something cheap so they can go play tag in the night. It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be cheap. DX has a bunch of sub five buck lights. I'd probably be looking to buy a dozen of the things. I don't want to cry when I loose one, or all of them. :mecry:

I'll probably just grab the cheapest they've got, unless someone can tell me I'd be better off spending an extra dime on each. These are the sku numbers which seem to fit my criteria: 14966, 14967, 3760, 8986, 8987, 8988, 8989, 5342, 5356, 5384, 5425, 5439, 5089, 5328, 5383.

Any recommendations?
I would just buy whatever is cheapest and has decent reviews.

Personally, I would get some fauxtons and not let kids play with my lights :D. They are not toys for kids... Only for me :D.
I'd just get some $1 2D incans if they walk off that easy.

The cells would cost more than the light. Besides, they really seem to like something the size of a single AA light. One time I handed out a few of my Fenix E01, and they were a big hit. But then one of them got lost, and I cried over a ten dollar light. At least it wasn't a Surefire.
The cells would cost more than the light. Besides, they really seem to like something the size of a single AA light. One time I handed out a few of my Fenix E01, and they were a big hit. But then one of them got lost, and I cried over a ten dollar light. At least it wasn't a Surefire.
Walmart sells AA incan lights with PR bulbs and batteries for $1-1.50 IIRC. If the lights are getting lost easily, I wouldn't bother with mail-ordering LED lights, just get some cheap readily available AA incans and call it a day.