Diy projectors ---which to buy?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 29, 2024
I've recently done a Hid projector retrofit into my vehicle using the cheapest projectors I could find but I used good quality ballast and bulbs. The lighting performance is amazing and I am very impressed. I can't help but wonder though how it would perform if I had used a high dollar projector like a Morimoto. Is there really a big difference? Worth the extra cost? Thanks.
Perhaps @Hamilton Felix would provide a better answer.

Generally, for HID replacement lamps, both he and virgil snubbed morimoto's line, questioned the sourcing and quality of their "oem clone/oem equivalents," and suggested sticking to the 90mm xenon/bixenon projector from Hella. I have no experience with this model, but it was their consistent go-to projector. Generally not for retrofitting attempts, but for those looking to replace standard sized sealed beam headlamp units, which hella offered the unit in a sealed lamp assembly.

Here and elsewhere, I have seen postings in the past few years from a guy claiming to be the lead designer for morimotos newer products, their mLED and mLED 2.0, etc. He has posted that their LED projector units are generslly better performing tham theor bi-xenon lamps, but I can't claim specific posts atm, most of my bookmarks got nuked a while ago so I've lost my referemces for a lot of lighting discussion.
So, in my quest for great lighting I've been trying different things. The great thing about the Bi-projectors is the sharp cut off line which will allow you to increase the light output substantially without being a problem for other drivers. I experimented with 100 and 150 watt HID ballasts and bulbs and was very impressed but then I decided to see what these Bi-led projector lights were all about. I bought a fairly cheap pair at about $50 and am totally blown away at how bright they are. Makes those 150 watt hids look like halogens. The cutoff makes them safe to use and now I can actually see the road like it's daytime. At $25 a light ...I'm sold. These bi-led projectors are incredible here's a link to the ones I bought but there are literally 100's to choose from You just have to wait a couple weeks to get them from China.
Can someone point me in the direction of the petition to dig up old man Virgil ⛏️👴
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Not sure there's really a petition.

I think he's gone.
Can someone point me in the direction of the petition to dig up old man Virgil ⛏️👴
I stopped visiting this forum years ago due to many of Virgil's posts were like they knew more than anyone else and everyone was wrong, no matter what. I just recently came back and was happy to see all the Virgil drama is non existent. I mean sure Virgil had some great points, but the negatively and belittling everyone was toxic. I don't know why Virgil is not posting here anymore, does someone have any intel they could share.
I stopped visiting this forum years ago due to many of Virgil's posts were like they knew more than anyone else and everyone was wrong, no matter what. I just recently came back and was happy to see all the Virgil drama is non existent. I mean sure Virgil had some great points, but the negatively and belittling everyone was toxic. I don't know why Virgil is not posting here anymore, does someone have any intel they could share.
Welcome back pungo to the future post Virgil.
Most of the newbies on here need some tough love which both Virgil and his 2ic alaric who are extremely knowledgeable would straighten them out pretty quickly, but as mentioned their combined sociopathic deamour outweighed their knowledge.
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I just check in occasionally to see how far down the drain the transportation lighting section has gone now that those two aren't here to keep things straight.

But no one's feelings are hurt now, at least we have that :rolleyes:
I just check in occasionally to see how far down the drain the transportation lighting section has gone now that those two aren't here to keep things straight.

But no one's feelings are hurt now, at least we have that :rolleyes:
Welcome back pungo to the future post Virgil.
Most of the newbies on here need some tough love which both Virgil and his 2ic alaric who are extremely knowledgeable would straighten them out pretty quickly, but as mentioned their combined sociopathic deamour outweighed their knowledge.
Thanks @Kabana... I agree with the usefulness of moderators making sure newb stay in line with safe lighting, i.e. not using the ever so popular plug and play LEDs in Halogen reflector housings, but they kinda went overboard about any discussions on something like retrofitting proper projectors which are outside stock lighting. But, yeah, reading a few of the topics in here, seems some of the discussions are pretty open, which can be good and bad.
I just check in occasionally to see how far down the drain the transportation lighting section has gone now that those two aren't here to keep things straight.

But no one's feelings are hurt now, at least we have that :rolleyes:

Less about hurt feelings, and more about the two of them stealth editing other forum users posts, carving off posts into their own discussion threads and then immediately locking them and then locking threads to discuss the snipped off, but still unanswered questions. Those continual actions were unnecessary, frustrating, and did nothing to "keep things straight."
...but they kinda went overboard about any discussions on something like retrofitting proper projectors which are outside stock lighting.

What exactly are "proper" projectors?

I think some of you may have missed the point that opening this type of discussion can encourage people to do dumb sheet to their headlamps. Just look at where we are today with LED headlight bulbs. These bulbs don't conform to or meet any standards and are being installed into optical assemblies designed to work optimally with filament light sources. This happens because people are ignorant of how automotive lighting works or how it should function.

The same issue applies to aftermarket projectors—they're not designed to meet any specific standards and often emit beams that fail to comply with regulatory lighting requirements. Additionally, mounting and aligning them properly is a precise process that cannot be adequately done by clamping the lamp to a kitchen table or workbench and aiming it at a wall 10 feet away.

People treat headlighting as if they are toys to customize, when in fact they are safety devices that must operate a specific way. That was the main point to snuff retrofitting talk.
Virgil or his alt could have done themselves a service years ago stickying a thread with test data, even just home garage'd lux charts and photos showing the problems with cheap aftermarket "lamps," and just referred people to that, allowing some proper questions and answers along the way. While they did need to remind and abide by the rules of the forum to not further discussion of illegal activities, it would have been 100x more consyructive than simply locking and deleting threads along the way, driving a sense that they were gatekeepers of the truth.

I've crosslinked to tacomaworld 100x here in this sub in the last 4-5 years. One forum user there has generated 10,000x the impact on automotive lighting do's and don'ts than this forum has, despite the extremely deep technical knowledge virgil had.

It comes down to a difference in prioritization.

I respect dan stern and virgil (imo, a movie reference is useful: Hot Fuzz, constable Danny "Same person"), but there's a significant difference in technical understanding and being willing to demonstrate so the poster dropping in for a quick, but useful/effective answer can get what they're looking for. Namely, an answer.

Forums have long been dying because of that very basic issue.
I don't know but it sounds like some people may not approve of what I've done. I know this: These lights are not blinding or disturbing anyone, I've made sure of that. These lights help me see the road at night and in bad weather and that's great. These lights are also affordable and that's great. Safe, functional and affordable. That's all anyone really needs right?
I don't know but it sounds like some people may not approve of what I've done. I know this: These lights are not blinding or disturbing anyone, I've made sure of that. These lights help me see the road at night and in bad weather and that's great. These lights are also affordable and that's great. Safe, functional and affordable. That's all anyone really needs right?

I understand you may feel that they are 'safe' and 'functional,' but you might not realize that the light intensity and distribution of the projectors you purchased overseas do not come close to complying with U.S. lighting regulations for lower and upper beams.

Most notably, the foreground illumination is producing upwards of twice the legal limit. Excessive foreground light reduces distance vision while giving the false impression of a 'better' beam due to the increased light projected near the vehicle. While too much foreground light is bad, an exorbitant amount is horrible.

Additionally, there is a lack of soft light above the cutoff to adequately illuminate road signs. These aftermarket projectors typically provide very little light above the cutoff (well below the legal minimum requirements), which is insufficient for making signs visible.
Due to experience I must say you are correct about it all...kinda. I believe the lighting regs were put in place when only halogen reflectors were available for anything. Now we can get much more light with 55 watts but do they make it clear what can and can't be used? Not that I've heard of but maybe they have. I only know it's always been OEM lighting and /or 55 watts per light max to be legal while every vehicle out there is running something way brighter including OEM setups. I feel that if I'm not causing any distraction to other drivers then I can do it how I like. I'm not bothering anybody and it's still a free country. I aim my lights very critically in order to put the maximum amount of usable light on the pavement while keeping the cutoff line visibly on the pavement as well. With lights this bright I can do this while stretching the light out to around 50 yards which alleviates excessive foreground light . I haven't noticed any issues with not being able to see street signs .. It takes a little effort to get the aim just right but man I'm telling you these cheap Chinese projectors actually work really well and are a far cry better than the stock halogens for sure. I believe that makes the road safer for me and everyone around me. Thanks for your input.

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