Do you still have a land line phone?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
I`m thinking about stopping my landline service. I almost never use it...kept it for a backup. But now thinking it might be more of a luxury than anything ele. A few folks I know have done away with them and seem to get along just fine with only their cell phones.
Nope... removed it over 4 years ago. Everyone would call my cell anyway.

The only people who would call my landlines was telemarketers and local fundraiser's (fire, police):hairpull:

I LOVE not having one, no more silly bills, no more unnecessary calls, no more people surfing the phone book, less confusion (what # to call to reach you),etc.
I still have mine. I like the comfort of knowing it's always available, and I don't have to think about is my cell on 24/7, have a signal, etc. The POTS line may not be optimal, but it is comforting and I'm not ready to ditch it just yet.
I ditched it for several years, but recently got one again in my new house. It was part of a bundle package, so I really didn't pay that much for it. I got tired of cell phones which were not always fully charged, poor sound quality, and dropped calls.
I have VOIP provided by Vonage over my cable internet line provided by Comcast.
Unlimited calls.
Tons of features and service is great.
Cost is about 40% of what I used to pay for Bellsouth service.
Vonage has a 12 months for the price of 10 package which I took last year and I hope they offer it again this year.
My total annual cost is $309, bottom line.
Highly recommended.
I still have mine, because

1) My apartment shields radio waves and has shaky cell phone reception.
2) I have DSL Internet with AT&T (which fortunately is fast).
3) Comcast doesn't serve the area, so I'm stuck with DSL.
I`m thinking about stopping my landline service. I almost never use it...kept it for a backup. But now thinking it might be more of a luxury than anything ele. A few folks I know have done away with them and seem to get along just fine with only their cell phones.

The opposite here, I have a (prepaid) cell somewhere in a drawer for backup but if I use it more than once a year it's a lot...

If someone needs me they can call me back or send an email. ;)
Yepp, need it to access the internet (no cable in my area). Also, I like the idea of clinging to a technology developed in the late 19th century. And those critical times you need to call, can't find your mobile and Skype is down. Hasn't happened yet but you never know. Maybe comparable to EDC-ing three lights because you might need them all :thumbsup:
Here in what used to be called Ameritech then SBC now ATT country land lines are extreemly unreliable and a hassel to have to call and schedule service for every few mounts. I dropped ours but my wife still wanted a home number so its bundeled with out cable now.
I still have mine, because

2) I have DSL Internet with AT&T (which fortunately is fast).
I, too, have AT&T DSL. I had my landline cut this past Christmas and I don't miss it. My cellphone is with AT&T, also, so we just transferred my DSL from my landline account to the cellphone account.

The only real concern I have with losing the landline is being able to make a phone call if there is a major earthquake and the cell towers are offline. I don't think they go offline when there is a major power outage that isn't earthquake related so I should be fine there. We will see, though.

The only annoyance I've had with cutting my landline so far has been the kids. My son gave my cellphone number to his friends because we haven't gotten a third line cellphone for the kids to use, yet. We'll get that sooner or later (probably later). My son has figured out that he can communicate with his school friends to collaborate on projects and homework and stuff via email and IM so I haven't gotten any calls lately from them.

We saved some money, but not a whole bunch. Part of the reason for waiting to activate a third phone is that we are trying to offset the fees incurred when we transferred the DSL from the landline to the cellphone account. When we finally add the third line we will be saving around $15 a month.
Keeping both landlines here. I live way out in the boonies and cellphone coverage is nearly non-existant. I have no service sitting here in the den and can get one bar if I go stand in a certain spot out in the driveway/road. I'm also too far out for cable, so internet is dialup as well, which is on a dedicated landline.

I have a land line. Hardly ever use my cellphone. In fact, since my T-Mobile contract is up, I'm just going to cancel it and get a pre-paid cell for those few times a month I normally use a cellphone. I'll save a buttload of money every month.

Some places won't hire you if you don't have a land line.
I have VOIP with Rogers. I switched because I was unhappy with Bell's service plus I now have my internet, cable and phone and cell phone's with one company. My cell is really not used very often, mostly for emergencies. I used to use it more but got sick of being on it so much.
Yep. Don't like/want cellphones for regular use. Good for emergency if there is a tower close by.
Landline is my only phone.

The last thing I need is a government bugging/tracking device in my pocket. I don't understand why so many people are willing to give up their privacy so easily.

I'm actually thinking of canceling the landline and have no phone. Most of the time when it rings, it's a sales call. I keep it because of emergencies, but there are very few of those.Not sure it's really worth the trouble or the expense.
Yep and would never get rid of it after the big Eastern Blackout, 2003 was it that long ago already? In my area electricity was lost and took out the cell phone towers also. The only line I had was the corded landline phone. Dont need any other lesson than that, for me at least.
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