Doc Ford, Flashaholic

Charles L.

Feb 17, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Anyone else a fan of Randy Wayne White's novels? In the latest, Doc professes a love for high-end LED's. He even refers to flashlight collecting as a hobby of his. Tomlinson naturally thinks Doc is a flashlight snob :D I thought the series had peaked several books ago, but this is a good new twist :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thanks for the tip, good neighbor Charles. I've not read any of these novels, but I'll see if the library has some next time I go.

Charles L,

Thank you so much for making this post!! I had to do a search to find it again but after reading your comment, I looked up Doc Ford on Amazon and proceeded to purchase all of the books (Kindle edition) when possible. I have really enjoyed the series and can relate to the characters and their environment in any number of ways. I am an avid fiction reader and it is a real treat to find out about a new author and especially when there is a good base of material already in print. I only have 1.5 books left to go and then will have to wait along with everybody else for the next installment.

I think fiction is a great media for an author to not only entertain but plant some seeds of thought and consideration as well. Randy Wayne White strikes me as a very intelligent and thoughtful person gifted with words and insight.

Cool and thanks again!! :thumbsup: