Does any one know what kind of LED those Varad purple LEDs are that they sell on Ebay


Newly Enlightened
Sep 12, 2002
Hey guys,
        Need some info help on these. You know those Varad Hyper LED lights that they sell on Ebay for your cars? Well I e-mailed one of the sellers and asked him if they were UV or purple phosphor LEDs. He e-mailed me back and told me they were purple phosphor and the LEDs had no blacklight effect. I looked at the picture he had and I belive him. But before I spent $20 on 4 12 volt 'purple' LEDs I wanted to know if they are the same kind ETG sells or are they different. Has anyone here ever bought these before, and if so what are your impresions. I don't want to spend that kind of money on somthing that I already have from ETG for a LOT less money. But if they are different it would be worth it for me money wise. Anyone here have any idea. And if not, does anyone know any other maker of purple non-UV phospher LEDs other than ETG? Thanks!