Does anybody else want this light?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2002
by the river
I've read allot of the posts. I read that this one light is over-driven, and that one is green, and these mods are good but you can't buy one, and these adaptors are well built but they are not that bright or have a greenish ring, and this other light is the new wonder but it will cost quite a bit to run.

It has been helpful to know these things. I've determined, that for some of my purposes, ARC LS 2nd, ARC AAA and SL 6 are definites.

But I thought maybe I should simply state what I really want and see what happens. Maybe someone will decide to build it. Please bare in mind I know very little about electronics and if it weren't for this forum I wouldn't know why you can't compare candelas to lumens. However, sometimes it can be helpful to progress to go back to what the "man on the street" is looking for so, here goes:

3 AA, lithium capable.
11 tightly clustered 5mm LEDs.
Reflective bezel.
Sixty bucks.

Whadaya think?
It doesn't sound bad at all, as long as the 3AA cells aren't loaded end-to-end.
Thanks, Empath.

I picture this light's batteries configured end to end. I guess regulated is not the term I needed. Maybe resisted. I was trying to predict that it would need some kind of solid state circuitry.
Perhaps a rear-loading '4AA-side-by-side' with one battery-space taken up by the electronics package. If the battery compartment is an elongated oval, it'd be more comfortable than a straight 3AA, and still provide room for any regulator circuitry.
With that number of LED's you want an audiotape case shaped package with the batteries installed side-by-side. The LED's could be mounted either on one end or on one of the flat sides.
You may struggle to find a 3AA tubular torch capable of holding 11 LED's.
7 LEDs $24

The Streamlight 4AA LED

5 hours at 80-100 cd, broad beam

or 10 LEDs $36 (IIRC) 3C cells
awaiting mine to test.


Thanks all.

I was thinking wand shaped because it would not fill up a front jean's pocket or jacket pocket and would be easy to draw. Not really an EDC candidate but more for a task light or a walking light.

That had definitely not occurred to me at all. Obviously that idea might do well in many applications.

I came up with 11 because it's symmetrical. I checked this using a complicated design algorithm (arranging quarters on the coffee table). It seemed do-able because this NightBuster 8X I have (I don't recommend it, bad end cap.) seems a little over-driven and there is space in the center of the cluster. Also, the KL2 runs 19 in its' bezel and it's a tactical size light. I had not thought of a square cluster. Your idea would allow for an even 12 LEDs and fit flatter in a pocket. I can see it. It looks pretty good.

I'm thinking most people would lean toward your preference.

I don't have your engineering level understanding of electronics, but I've noted your mild concern with SL's 4AA 7 LED possibly being over-driven. (and further noted that they have a warantee) I'll be watching the board for a possible micro-review when you have driven your new Streamlight 3C 10 LED around the block.

It's always amazes me when I see what can be learned by bouncing an idea off of imaginative people.