Does anyone have an E1/E2 beamshaper yet?


Aug 31, 2000
Grand Rapids, MI
Just wondering if anyone had picked up a beamshaper yet and if so, what the opinions were of it. I have been thinking about getting one, but I have never had a beamshaper and was wondering how well they worked.

Thanks all,

No BS yet (HAH!), but I've gotten in a small handful of red and blue filters. They make the and blue.
Which BeamFilter is used to make which color?
I've always wondered about this...

Would you say that the blue filter allows the beam to travel further than the red?
Ahhh, there's the BS!

I'll take some pics later on when it gets dark, but just looking at them, it looks like the blue has greater photonic transmissability.
I just got the F04 or the one that just widens out or softens the beam of light. It about doubles the area of bright light and makes the edges of the "hotspot" much smoother. It fits on both the E1 and E2. It is really nice on the E1 for working in close quarters (inside computers). I will try to remember to take a shot of it tonight to compare with/without shots. As you can imagine as you widen out the beam it does get dimmer.

If you are familiar with the "tip off" filters for the 6P line it is different. This filter just fits over the end of the bezel and is much smaller than the older style.

Thanks Brock.

If you had time, shots showing both the E1 and E2 with and without the beamshaper would be great

Thanks again,

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brock:

If you are familiar with the "tip off" filters for the 6P line it is different. This filter just fits over the end of the bezel and is much smaller than the older style.

Sorry, Brock, can you clarify that ?

Hopefully the image will explain it, but the beamshaper filter for the 6P fits over the end of the light and it can be fliped either in front of the light or off to the side while still attached to the light. The beamshaper for the E1/E2 just fits over the end and has to be physically removed.


Thanks for the pics Brock.

I guess I would have thought the beamshaper would have spread the light out even more. Maybe from the pics it is hard to tell. Does the beamshaper make the beam wider than it appears in the picture - which is about twice as big?


Bucky, sharp eye, it is about twice the size, but much smoother beam fall off at that point. The older beamshapers are about 3 times the area of the origional beam, but this one is only about twice the size.

Those beam shaper half the intensity while double the area, so would they have one that DOUBLE the intensity and HALF the area??
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spidey82:
Those beam shaper half the intensity while double the area, so would they have one that DOUBLE the intensity and HALF the area??

I very much agree, wholeheartedly, completely and totally.
I'm really surprised that a narrow or spotlight beam option isn't available for all the range. Preferably something internal to the unit, a modified reflector or whatever. Is it a difficult option to produce ?

Remebering that SureFires are really designed to help LEO/Military etc with weapon-related illumination. The light is very high quality, but "focused" at the typical ranges at which confrontations are required.

The TurboHeads allow far better longer range illumination, but still with consideration for the use with firearms.

I think it's possible to create a tighter, brighter spot, but the beam quality would be harder maintain.

I don't know if it would be better to produce a new lamp/reflector combo or a BeamFilter, but the BeamFilter could be flipped out of the way when not required. This "Lens" would have to be very carefully and precisely designed...

I think this is a great idea!

Wat i think is that a filter whould be much better den changing the whold reflecter or using a giantic tubo head.
but wouldn't the fliter melt under say it a high output lamp???
Is a spotlight-beam just a function of the reflector ? From what I understand, larger reflectors mean more concentration to a point-beam. Correct ?

I agree with Spidey82 that an increase in size ( size matters ! ) would be undesirable.
Ideally, whatever it is should be within the existing unit.

What about a collimating lens to substitute, how would that affect the output and beam definition ?

That is something I would like to try out - I don't think they are very expensive ...

