Does anything like this exist?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 27, 2006
I'm wondering if anyone makes a 2 or 3 AA (alk or NiMH) light cree or seoul, that has a 'turbohead'?

I've seen similar things that take 1x or 2x 18650 at DX, but none that use 2 or 3 AAA's.

Is this a good idea or is it kind of silly since the led throws most of it's light forward anyway???
Bingo!!! Thanks.

I'm glad I didn't just let this thread die.

Later on this year there shall be a crop of new AA Cree lights, rumor has it. MattK of batteryjunction made a reference to this fact several weeks ago as well as the product samples he has actually seen. So, slowly but surely, simple cheap AA Cree lights will start to show up more often as time progresses.