Does Nuwai know about HA III yet?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 16, 2004
Lately Nuwai has been coming out with great LED products and most of them seem to get good ratings in reviews and the customers/CPFers here seem to like them too. Now the only thing they seem to lack is type 3 adonizing. I recall a thread that asked whether people would buy a Q III if it had HA III. Pretty much everyone who voted said "yes". I think someone here also sent Nuwai an Email telling them what HA III is and giving them pictures of HA IIIed lights. Is Nuwai planning on releasing a light with HA III yet?
Well, while I'm sure most members of this forum prefer HA to the softer types, on a worldwide level, Nuwai probably doesn't perceive themselves as catering to upper end buyers. I don't know the numbers, but I'm sure HA costs more than Type II and that is the bottom line for them, I'm sure.

The question is, would you be willing to $10 or $15 more for an HA coated light?
Actually I think the question is, would the majority of buyers be willing to do this?
Not having it does not decrease the life of a SCUBA tank so I'm not going to worry about it doing much for the life or utility of a flashlight.
If I remember correctly from other threads, Nuwai does NOT make flashlights.....they re-sale lights made by someone else and put the Nuwai name on it.
Adding the cost for HA3 on these lights would pretty much destroy the great "bang for the buck"-quality of these lights IMHO. Personally I couldn't care less if my light got scratched up as long as it continued to work as intended. If I want my lights to look mint I make sure they're protected.
I think it makes an enormous difference and I am willing to pay more for it. Honestly, it wouldn't add much to the cost of production. But that's me and I'm coming from the viewpoint of not ever wanting to put out crappy products. To me, the Q3 is a fantastic light except for one glaring thing and that's the ano.
A one dollar cost in production usually tranlates to four or more dollars at the retail level.
Unless they could litterally push a button on a production line the cost of switching to something different would probably add several dollars to the cost, possibly more unless they do huge volumes.
I guess it would be nice to have HA III on a QIII, but I don't really think it is that important. The light itself seems very tough to me already. Even if the case gets banged up a bit, the light is not going to stop working from scratches. I'd rather save $15 or whatever the extra cost would be because it is still a rugged little light without the harder anodizing IMHO.
What Roy said is correct about Nuwai being a reseller. Who ever is the real manufacturer makes lights for StreamLight and others. I have directly talked to one manufacturer and ask who they are but he stated to me that they wished thier deal with him to remain secret so he honored thier request and would not reveal thier identity.

So WHO is the source behind Nuwai? Anyone know? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif


An Arc lamp is the Spark that takes away the Dark-- /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/huh2.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/huh2.gif
Are all QIII's marked with the brand name? I have a great one with a very white and clean beam but there are no markings on the light anywhere! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif

I saw a post about the Ombu which the QIII's look identical to but I would imagine that even Ombu gets them somewhere else. It would be nice to solve the mystery.

dimwatt /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/au.gif