Does Sears still have their mini mag clone?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
In my old job, we used a Sears Craftmen's I believe, minimag clone. The beauty was that it had a push button switch on the body. I stopped at one Sears awhile ago and couldn't find the light. If I could fine one, I might consider transferring my badboy from the minimag to that light. Anybody notice them still at Sears?
Perhaps it's a Nordic? If so, you're out of luck. Conpany folded.

Warning The link above contains a pop up--sorry
I've seen and bought the Sears Mini-Mag clone at OSH, a west coast hardware store chain owned by Sears. They still had some when I was in a few weeks ago. If OSH can still get them, maybe Sears can too.
I have seen a few of them at both the Sears at the mall, and at Sears hardware. Both of which are in CT.
I just saw the minimag clone at OSH today (Foster City, CA). The switch mechanism does seem to be quite robust - better than I would have expected. But it makes the light about 30% (_very_ rough estimate) longer than the minimag, which is unappealing to me.

Funny you should ask. I have one I bought perhaps 6-8 months ago (Maybe a year, who knows with THIS brain?) sitting right here in front of me.

It's ok bright but very artifacty in throw. What about one of those Brinkman Nexstars in this light?