Double Barrel conversion HELP!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2001
San Diego, California
I have an Energizer 4AAA double barrel i am trying to convert into LED. I am stuck at this one problem, after solving it i think it'll al be downhill from there. I think all of you know that this flashlight really only utilizes 2 batteries at a time, the other two just give it a longer burn time - not increased voltage. I need increased voltage. So how do i utilize all 4 batteries in this conversion? If anyone has DETAILED instructions on how to do this i would greatly appreciate it.
I don't have any of the AAA or 4 cell DB's.
Does your switch look like this (without the massive LED array, of course).


If so, you can rewire the switch's little circuit board to get 6v from your 4 AAA's.
I'm beginning to recall a discussion I had with someone else about the newer (smaller) DB's. I think their "battery reversal protection" scheme has changed.

Take yours apart and post some pictures (or email them to me) of the battery plugs (negative), the switch assembly (especially the bottom PCB view), and the positive "posts" on the head unit.

I'm sure we can figure it out.
I converted one of these to use the Lux module and all I had to do if I remember right was break off one of the outer tabs and then bend the center one over to touch the contact from the broken side. I then reversed one set of batteries and installed a dummy that I made from a wooden dowel. I used the three 10 ohm resistors in parallel and it has been working fine for several months now.

These are internally wired differently than the 4AA double barrels.
